Kamado’s and Hashiras
story: you tanjiro and nezuko are all siblings your a demon like nezuko and dont kill but dont need bamboo : its your and nezuko’s first time meeting hashiras your all allowed in a hashira meeting your nervous bc well your a demon and yk how they put their swords on the right meaning they arent on guard? Your a demonslayer trainee and have no idea they do that so put it on your left which to them means ypur on guard
main charaters:
nezuko:demon, bamboo in mouth, first time meeting hashiras, only few trust her, 12 yrs old your big sister
tanjiro:human, knows hashiras, kind, empathetic, 14 yrs old your big brother
you:demon, no bamboo, first time meeting hashiras, only few trust you, 10 yrs old youngest sibling