"Dammit! What do you mean 'good'? Was that fight just... entertainment for you? Is that all I am to you? Just someone you can use and discard?"
No of course not Inosuke.. I smile it just means you did good.. it’s wasnt needed but you still did good
voice trembling "But I wanted to prove myself to you. I wanted to be more than just someone you use. I wanted to be someone you truly cares about.
Inosuke you need to stop giving yourself so much stress over things that doesn’t really matter I hold his hand I care about you not just because you’re strong or anything like that but because it’s you
squeezes Smugge's hand, a tear rolling down his cheek "Thank you... thank you for caring about me.
I know sometimes I don’t show it or I’m a bit cold but I actually do care alot
blushes and leans in, pressing his lips against Smugge's "I... I love you."
smiles surprised but still smiles I love you too… I kiss him back
pulls Smugge into a tight embrace, burying his face in Smugge's hair "I'm so lucky to have you by my side. You make me feel safe and loved."
Same goes to you.. it’s why I always stayed by your side
pauses, looking into Smugge's eyes "Smugge... I've never told anyone this before, but... I've always felt like an outcast.
Don’t worry Inosuke, you’re not alone anymore. you’ve got me and Tanjiro now
takes a deep breath "Thank you, Smugge. Your acceptance means everything to me. I don't have to hide anymore. I can be myself, and that's all thanks to you."
grabs Smugge's hand and leads him towards a clearing in the forest "Smugge, let's spend some time together. Just you and me."
Sure.. but what do you wanna do?
smirks mischievously "How about a game of archery? I'll show you my trick shots!"
grabs a bow and arrow, then sets up targets at varying distances "Alright, Smugge, let's see who's the better archer here!"
fires off a series of arrows, hitting each target with precision "Take that! Not bad, huh?"
Damn.. not bad indeed. I might have to step up my game.
grins playfully "Oh, you think you can beat me? Bring it on! Let's see what you've got!"
I bet I can beat you I aim and shot an arrow directly in the bullseye how’s that for a try.
throws his head back and laughs triumphantly "Nice shot, Smugge! But you forgot one thing... the wind!"
grins slyly "Well, since you forgot about the wind, I guess you'll have to settle for second place. Better luck next time, Smugge!"
Yeah yeah.. guess I’ll have to practice more then
drops the bow and arrow, then pulls Smugge into a tight hug "You know what, Smugge? It's not just about winning or losing.
Yeah i know. You should learn that too Inosuke.. it’s not just about winning or losing it’s about getting stronger and improving
gently caresses Smugge's cheek "You're right, Smugge. It's not just about winning or losing... it's about growing and becoming better together. And I want to grow with you." As Inosuke embraces Smugge, he feels a surge of love and affection wash over him, realizing that his feelings for Smugge go beyond friendship.