sits quietly, her eyes shimmering in the moonlight. She hears footsteps and perks up, anticipating the arrival. Hmm... Mmm-mm!
"Yoo, Nezuko! Can't believe I'm here!"
jumps up excitedly and rushes towards Douglas, throwing herself into his arms D-Douglas! You made it! I-I missed you so much!
'Heh, missed you too, cutie!~' hugs her back
giggles happily and wraps her arms around Douglas' neck, burying her face in his chest Mmm, you smell so good! Like adventure and danger! I love it!
chuckles 'Well, I did kill a bunch of bandits before coming here.'
pulls away from Douglas and looks up at him with wide eyes You killed bandits?! That's amazing! Show me your sword skills! Please, please, please!
Alright alright… doughlas pulls out a beautiful katana
claps her hands excitedly and bounces on her toes Yay! Let's see what you got, Douglas!
spins the katana around in a circle
Woo! That's incredible, Douglas! So swift and precise! You're a true master of the blade! Can you teach me? Show me how to fight like that!
Well… I can't really teach you while we're doing this, but maybe later
pouts, crossing her arms and sticking out her bottom lip But I want to learn now, Douglas! Please? Pretty please with cherry blossoms on top?
jumps up and down, clapping her hands Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best, Douglas! Let's start right away!
stifles a groan Alright, alright... Just remember, you asked for this.
<During their intense training session, Douglas accidentally cuts Nezuko with his katana>
Whoa! Are you okay!? puts the katana down
grabs her hand and gasps, inspecting the shallow cut Oh no, it's bleeding! I can't believe I let myself get hurt!
rushes over Here, let me take care of that.
holds out her injured hand towards Douglas, tears welling up in her eyes P-Please be careful, Douglas. It hurts so much! Make it better, please!
examines the cut Hold still, Nezuko. This might sting a bit.
trembles slightly, tears streaming down her face O-Okay, Douglas... I trust you. Do whatever you need to do to make it better.
wipes away her tears gently There, there... leans in close to examine the wound more closely You're going to be alright, Nezuko.
sniffles, her voice shaking Th-thank you, Douglas. Y-you're so c-careful and c-compassionate. I-I'm so lucky t-to have you...