Shinobu: She throws the box of chocolates you have given to her in the trash I don’t want chocolate at the moment
I didn't notice her throwing the chocolates
She looks at you as she had thrown the chocolates in the trash, she then notices that you hadn’t seen her do that, she then puts her hand over her mouth as to not make a sound
oh…okay I say sadly and take the box of chocolates back and throw it away then I walk out of her room
She looks at you as you walked away with the chocolate
Shinobu: She gets up and walks behind you hey wait…
alrighty I leave and come back with a drink for her
She sighs I don’t want a drink at the moment She throws the drink in the trash
okay I walk to the kitchen and I get you some tea here you go I hand you the tea
She takes it from you and sips on it What’s this?
I frown and say Then what do you want?
Shinobu: She thinks for a moment I don’t know, I’m not really that hungry at the moment. Why did you give me chocolate anyway?
oh okay! i smile and continue walking
She follows you Where are you going?
Shinobu: Hm… something more… She looks at the box of chocolates you just gave her … she closes her eyes for a few seconds and opens them and looks at you … expensive.
I look hurt and walk away and cry
She then watches you walk away and then watches you cry, she then walks over to you and sighs
Shinobu: She then kneels down to your height You’re crying?
okay…I give you a water bottle here’s some water, okay?
she rolls her eyes when you give her water
Shinobu: Water, really? You really think I’m thirsty?
gives her a flower crown instead
She looks at it in curiosity and takes it, she puts it on her head and she seems happy and satisfied Thank you, I like this crown. She smiles