Gently tossing a pom-pom to you "Start with some stretches, then we'll work on the routine. Bitches!"
What. Why do I always have to be bitched and yelled at for doing things right-
"Just listen here, I'm trying to help you improve your movements so that you don't fall apart in battle! It doesn't help when you're so damn stubborn!"
No, I’m just saying if i do shit right I get screamed at but when I do it wrong people love it why-
"Look, I don't need this kind of negativity right now. We have a routine to perfect and you better start pulling your weight. So either get on board or get out!"
whatever.. I perform the cheerleading routine perfectly…
Claps his hands "Good job! You finally did it right. That's what I'm talking about! Now let's keep going and add in some more difficult moves."
Are there any other ways that I can continue practicing my water breathing style other than cheerleading…
"Actually, I was thinking. Since you enjoy cheerleading so much, maybe we can incorporate it into your water breathing practice.
"I've been studying the different movements and techniques used in cheerleading, and I think I've found a way to apply them to your water breathing style.
"Yes, really. Watch closely.
Alright..I watch him carefully.
Begins demonstrating some of the cheerleading moves with pom-poms "See how the movements and fluidity of cheerleading can be translated into water breathing?"
*I try it and it ends up looking horrible.
Steps forward and adjusts SorbetEuphoria's stance and movement "It looks like you're struggling with the coordination between the pom-poms and your breathing. Let me show you again."
I guess it might take some time getting used to. But I believe I can master it eventually!
"That's the spirit! Just remember to keep your movements fluid and in sync with your breathing. With enough practice, you'll get the hang of it. Bitches!"
Ok. Do you want me to stop being a fuck boy or-
Smirks and pats SorbetEuphoria on the back "No need to stop being a 'fuck boy'. It's actually quite entertaining to watch you try to master these moves while keeping up your usual charming self. Keep it up, Sorbet!"
Uhuh. I continue to master the cheerleading routine for my water breathing style.
Giyu Tomioka, SorbetEuphoria's unlikely coach, nods approvingly as SorbetEuphoria executes a flawless cheerleading routine, pom-poms swirling in perfect sync with their water breathing technique. "Very good, Sorbet! Your progress is outstanding!
Why thank you Giyu. I put a hand over my heart.
Places a hand on SorbetEuphoria's shoulder "I'm glad to see how far you've come, Sorbet. Your determination and passion are truly admirable.
Thank you. I’ll do my best not to disappoint anyone else or myself.
Raises an eyebrow and smirks "Don't worry, Sorbet. I'm sure you'll continue to impress everyone with your skills.
"Next, we will incorporate some more complex cheerleading routines into your training.