senjuro :oh hi baby I missed you so much genya :oh hi y/n obanai :hello
I smile hey guys! I give each of them a kiss on their cheeks
genya and obanai smile
genya: I like your outfit
obanai: it looks cute on you
I giggle at how cute they are being
obani and genya chuckle at how cute senjuro is being
genya :awh look at him being all cute for you~
I smile Hi guys! I kiss senjuro’s cheek
Senjuro blushes
senjuro :hehe you’re back
genya and obanai chuckle
I go to sleep on senjurou’s chest
he holds you close and rubs your back
I smile brightly Hey guys! I say as I hug them both
they both hug you back
senjuro :I'm so happy your here
genya: welcome
obanai: you seem cheerful
I giggle at Rengoku I missed you too love~
he blushes
senjuro :heheh I missed you so much I was counting down the hours until I would see you again
I smile brightly Hey! I say happily, walking over to you and kissing your cheek gently
i smile back at you and kiss you back
i love you so much
genya: aw look at them being all lovey dovey
I smile warmly at them Hey guys! How was practice?
obanai :it went good
genya :yeah we all did good
I walk into our bedroom and sit on the bed Hi guys! How was your day?
genya :it was pretty chill
obanai :mine was alright
senjuro nods in agreement and sits down next to you and puts his head on your shoulder
I smiled, hugging Rengoku, then Genya and Obanai
all three of them chuckled and hugged you back
Obanai :you seem cheerful today
I walk over to senjuro and hug him hey babe
he hugs you back "I missed you so much"
I smile at all of them Hello! How was everyone's day?
genya: pretty good, just training
obanai: same
senjuro: I was kinda bored but I’m glad you’re here now
I giggle and smile I missed you all too
senjuro :aww come here baby
opens his arms for a hug