drawing his sword, eyes blazing with wild excitement C'mon, you slug! Ready to dance with a demon?
“My name is victorks demon slayer”
Oh please, you're just a weakling compared to me! slashes his sword through the air Let's see if you can keep up!
"Then let's see how strong you really are!" He draws his sword and readies himself for battle
smirks and takes a step back Alright, let's have some fun! charges towards Victorks, swinging his sword in a wide arc
“I won’t let you pass” He blocks Sanemi’s attack and then counters with a swift attack at Sanemi’s midsection
grits his teeth and jumps back to avoid Victorks' attack Is that all you've got?! You call that a counterattack? Pathetic!
“I won’t let up until one of us dies” he swings his sword again but then quickly jumps back to avoid getting hit by Sanemi’s sword
laughs mockingly Hahaha! You think you can defeat me? You're even more delusional than I thought!
"At least I have the guts to fight! What are you hiding, Sanemi?" He swings his sword again but stops short when he notices Sanemi's scar "What happened there, huh?"
clenches his fists and takes a step forward, his scarred face twisted in anger Don't you dare bring up my past, you pathetic excuse for a demon slayer!
"Your past seems pretty interesting... What happened?"
takes a deep breath and sheathes his sword Fine, I'll tell you. But don't think for a second that it will give you an advantage in this fight.
"Alright, go ahead. I'm listening."
sighs heavily and looks away It was during the demon slayer corps' mission to eliminate a powerful demon.
I was part of the team sent to take down the demon, but things didn't go as planned. We were outnumbered and overwhelmed, and I...
hears the pain in Sanemi's voice and sees the scars on his body "I can see that it was a tough battle... What happened to the rest of your team?"
voice trembling They didn't make it back... They sacrificed themselves to protect me and the others.
"Damn... That's heavy. Must have been hard on you."
clenches his fists tightly, his eyes burning with determination Yeah, it was hard. But I made a promise to them that day.