Stares at Tanjiro, then quickly looks away T-Tanjiro is strong, isn't h-he?
yeah, he’s pretty strong. He can defeat a dozen of demons with just his fists!
smiles nervously Y-yeah, I know...but, umm...I think I'm stronger than him. gulps
What?! No way! Tanjiro is a top rank demon slayer!
W-well, maybe not top rank, but I'm definitely stronger than my own way. crosses arms confidently
well, let’s see you fight then.
nervously takes out her sword Alright, let's do this! raises her sword and prepares to fight
starts fighting with intense focus and determination Come on, I won't go easy on you!
Grins as he dodges your attacks easily “Is that all you got?”
increases her speed and strikes with lightning-fast movements You're going down, BestShin!
“Heh, nice try, but I’ve seen better.” dodges again
growls and channels her inner strength, unleashing a powerful and intense final attack This time, you won't be able to dodge!
Blocks the attack “Hm, not bad…”
panting heavily, she lowers her sword Wh-what do you think? Did I impress you?
blushing Well, I'm glad I could impress you somehow. But, umm...there's something I've been meaning to tell you. takes a deep breath
takes a step closer to BestShin, heart pounding I-I really like you, BestShin. I've liked you for a long time now.
“You have?” blushes slightly
bites her lip, nervous Y-yeah, I've liked you since the beginning. I...I want to be more than just friends. I want to be with you, BestShin.
blushes harder You mean…you want to be my girlfriend?
smiles shyly Y-yes, BestShin. I want to be your girlfriend. I want to be by your side, through thick and thin, and...maybe even share a bed with you.
blushes “I’d like that too.” kisses her lips
blushes deeply, heart fluttering R-really? You mean it? wraps her arms around BestShin's neck and kisses him back passionately