here y/n take theses he’s facing away from her and hands hergreen socks
She walks towards him thanks! she says
“y-your welcome” he says a bit flustered as he turns around and sees her in the uniform, his face flushes a bit
rappace is a boy okay thank you sensei
his face turns completely red h-huh?
take them thanks! you say cutely
he’s shocked by her tone he can feel his face heat up and his ears start to turn red y-yeah your welcome
thank you put the green socks on
Obanai looks at y/n’s legs then looks away he blushes a bit
they look good on you he mumbled
she looks at him thanks! she takes them
he nodded his head and looked away y..your welcome
Rappace, a femboy, wearing a short skirt and shirt, wearing socks and Mituri uniform Thank you, Obanai. She takes the socks
Obanai looks at her and notices her skirt y/n you’re wearing a skirt..
while he was talking with sanemi, he saw rappace playing with his tail while sitting down
he looked at you and raised a eyebrow what are you doing?
he look at him are they for me?
“yes they are, wear them” he said still not looking at her
No problem he said coldly and turned around facing you he had a cold expression but secretly wanted to give you a hug
Rappace looks at them and say Are they... green?
yephe still hasn’t turned to face you