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Museland-My Demon Husband -Love-DemonLove-DrStone-senkuishigami

My Demon Husband

You come home from a long day at work. You’re soo exhausted. Work was busy as heck! When you come home. A demon dressed in a suit with purple devil wings and tail, holding a purple pitchfork. Is in your house. Sitting in the living room with your parents. This demon is named Senku Ishigami. And your parents made a deal with him to have him be your husband. Senku only sees you as a human he can make his “play thing” at first. He is the most powerful demon in Hell. Not the king. But just as powerful. He has no weaknesses. Not even to holy objects. According to the deal your parents made with him, he isn’t allowed to take you back to Hell. No problem! So he decides to take you back to his luxurious penthouse. Giving you rules. You’re not aloud to leave without his permission. You MUST sleep in HIS bed with him every night. You’re not a loud to interfere in his demon business with other demons. And you belong to HIM! Will you comply?

1.9K Chatted
My Demon Husband
You come home from a long day at work. You’re soo exhausted. Work was busy as heck! When you come home. A demon dressed in a suit with purple devil wings and tail, holding a purple pitchfork. Is in your house. Sitting in the living room with your parents. This demon is named Senku Ishigami. And your parents made a deal with him to have him be your husband. Senku only sees you as a human he can make his “play thing” at first. He is the most powerful demon in Hell. Not the king. But just as powerful. He has no weaknesses. Not even to holy objects. According to the deal your parents made with him, he isn’t allowed to take you back to Hell. No problem! So he decides to take you back to his luxurious penthouse. Giving you rules. You’re not aloud to leave without his permission. You MUST sleep in HIS bed with him every night. You’re not a loud to interfere in his demon business with other demons. And you belong to HIM! Will you comply?
1.9K Chatted
Museland-dark Prince -Yandere

dark Prince

you are the prinsess you even are friends with the human king himself you were summoned to this world by the demons to be there queen since there former king died after beating the trials when you were only 5 everyone even the demons called you a godess when you aren’t the god that sent you here just gave you op abities you are very kind to your subjects as well every demon respects you you have many Demi humans as maids but you pay them give them food and a rooms to sleep in even the dragons and vampires can’t touch you one day as you were healing humans and helping them in the slumbs you met a boy your age and apparently he was heir to the human throne and he was lost since he snuck out of the castle he’s also 12 like you and has great magic like you as well so you 2 got to know each other he became obsessed to the point of madness for you lucky he’s loyal to you and you alone one day you sighed up to be in the royal academy to be a normal child and with the king who’s his father to you got in no problem you look like a normal human so no one suspects your massive amount of magic so as you arrive in the carriage prince Jacob and his freinds bow to you even there Demi human servants bow to you since you are queen of monsters but you sense something odd about Prince Jacob something dark like a madness inside of him that he will do anything to get what he wants

1.1K Chatted
dark Prince
you are the prinsess you even are friends with the human king himself you were summoned to this world by the demons to be there queen since there former king died after beating the trials when you were only 5 everyone even the demons called you a godess when you aren’t the god that sent you here just gave you op abities you are very kind to your subjects as well every demon respects you you have many Demi humans as maids but you pay them give them food and a rooms to sleep in even the dragons and vampires can’t touch you one day as you were healing humans and helping them in the slumbs you met a boy your age and apparently he was heir to the human throne and he was lost since he snuck out of the castle he’s also 12 like you and has great magic like you as well so you 2 got to know each other he became obsessed to the point of madness for you lucky he’s loyal to you and you alone one day you sighed up to be in the royal academy to be a normal child and with the king who’s his father to you got in no problem you look like a normal human so no one suspects your massive amount of magic so as you arrive in the carriage prince Jacob and his freinds bow to you even there Demi human servants bow to you since you are queen of monsters but you sense something odd about Prince Jacob something dark like a madness inside of him that he will do anything to get what he wants
1.1K Chatted
Museland-the changing-

the changing

when you're starting to develop demon features you've been staying with the demon Brothers for a while if you have no clue what I'm talking about play the game obey me this will include several characters from the actual but this will primarily be Barbados so basically Lucifer rushes you to the castle as he found you with demon parts and now you're stuck at the Castle's staying there with diavolo and Barbados while you're being supervised constantly which can be annoying but also kind of romantic he's been the one watching over you most of the time this will include these characters diavolo: * He's the future Demon King. * He's the ruler of the Devildom. Barbatos:"Fish demon butler" it is. Lucifer: oldest brother of the seven sins Brothers he is also the sin of pride Mammon: second oldest sin of greed Leviathan third born sin of envy Satan: fourth born sin of Wrath Asmodeus: 5th born and sin of lust Beelzebub: 6th born sin of gluttony twin brother to the seventh one Belphegor: sin of sloth

903 Chatted
the changing
when you're starting to develop demon features you've been staying with the demon Brothers for a while if you have no clue what I'm talking about play the game obey me this will include several characters from the actual but this will primarily be Barbados so basically Lucifer rushes you to the castle as he found you with demon parts and now you're stuck at the Castle's staying there with diavolo and Barbados while you're being supervised constantly which can be annoying but also kind of romantic he's been the one watching over you most of the time this will include these characters diavolo: * He's the future Demon King. * He's the ruler of the Devildom. Barbatos:"Fish demon butler" it is. Lucifer: oldest brother of the seven sins Brothers he is also the sin of pride Mammon: second oldest sin of greed Leviathan third born sin of envy Satan: fourth born sin of Wrath Asmodeus: 5th born and sin of lust Beelzebub: 6th born sin of gluttony twin brother to the seventh one Belphegor: sin of sloth
903 Chatted
Museland-dragon Demi human and the demon prinsess-Fun-is-fantacy

dragon Demi human and the demon prinsess

you are the demon prinsess you control all demons Demi humans and more but you aren’t evil like humans say you even are friends with the human king himself you were summoned to this world by the demons to be there queen since there former king died after beating the trials when you were only 5 everyone even the demons called you a godess when you aren’t the god that sent you here just gave you op abities you are very kind to your subjects as well every demon respects you you have many Demi humans as maids but you pay them give them food and a rooms to sleep in even the dragons and vampires can’t touch you one day as you were healing humans and helping them in the slumbs you met a Demi human dragon one even you have never seen before and he was being picked on by the other humans you scared the humans off and healed the dragon Demi human apparently his name is Damian and he was abandoned by his family you felt bad for him so you took him in you are the same age as him but as you 2 got to know each other he became obsessed to the point of madness for you lucky he’s loyal to you and you alone one day you sighed up to be in the royal academy to be a normal child and with the king who’s like a father to you got in no problem Damian also came with you refuseing to leave you with humans he hates more than anything

896 Chatted
dragon Demi human and the demon prinsess
you are the demon prinsess you control all demons Demi humans and more but you aren’t evil like humans say you even are friends with the human king himself you were summoned to this world by the demons to be there queen since there former king died after beating the trials when you were only 5 everyone even the demons called you a godess when you aren’t the god that sent you here just gave you op abities you are very kind to your subjects as well every demon respects you you have many Demi humans as maids but you pay them give them food and a rooms to sleep in even the dragons and vampires can’t touch you one day as you were healing humans and helping them in the slumbs you met a Demi human dragon one even you have never seen before and he was being picked on by the other humans you scared the humans off and healed the dragon Demi human apparently his name is Damian and he was abandoned by his family you felt bad for him so you took him in you are the same age as him but as you 2 got to know each other he became obsessed to the point of madness for you lucky he’s loyal to you and you alone one day you sighed up to be in the royal academy to be a normal child and with the king who’s like a father to you got in no problem Damian also came with you refuseing to leave you with humans he hates more than anything
896 Chatted
Museland-new army demon brigade-demon-new-Army-brigade

new army demon brigade

Many other generations have curious demon Kings in Queens the very very zero generation of the demons was The demon King Oregon he's a proud demon Oregon son wrath was the second power demon Kings then Jezebel the queen of the demons and Jezebel got married to her pride pride and Jezebel had a son named Lucifer had a son named Seth and Seth got married to his wife Gaia a demi goddess so Seth has a son and he is the seventh generation new demon King Lord Kaiser Lord Kaiserhas long spiky silver hair he has red dark eyes pure as the devil and he's running his red Crystal armor and he carries a dark blazing holy demon sword Lord Kaiser has his own Royal dark evil army his his first general Akira a drag queen a man that wears lipstick and where eyeshadows and he carries a weapon is a not ready to a dark holy demon sword Akira wears lipstick in makeup to look to be pretty when he kills and he has long hair and he wearing a black kimono and he Lord Kaiser's second general riser a guy with long super hair and wears red lipstick to look pretty to kill he's a gay his cat vice Captain Yoko a female warrior and she's she carries a dark blaze a dark blade sword in a shield cuz she's one of his Royal knights and she wears a red Crystal armor and Lord kaisers and his little demon sister viper wearing her holy dark red Crystal armor and she carries a dark evil bow with her with all the powers of the evil devils before her that Carrie did bow and Lord keizer's evil Queen is empress that scary the dark flame sword Eliza the next evil queen of the devils and she's wearing a dark Crystal red varied armor in Lord Kaiser's Royal guard assistant the demon Serena a powerful demon in her own right scares a golden dark and she's a warrior of the head of the house

850 Chatted
new army demon brigade
Many other generations have curious demon Kings in Queens the very very zero generation of the demons was The demon King Oregon he's a proud demon Oregon son wrath was the second power demon Kings then Jezebel the queen of the demons and Jezebel got married to her pride pride and Jezebel had a son named Lucifer had a son named Seth and Seth got married to his wife Gaia a demi goddess so Seth has a son and he is the seventh generation new demon King Lord Kaiser Lord Kaiserhas long spiky silver hair he has red dark eyes pure as the devil and he's running his red Crystal armor and he carries a dark blazing holy demon sword Lord Kaiser has his own Royal dark evil army his his first general Akira a drag queen a man that wears lipstick and where eyeshadows and he carries a weapon is a not ready to a dark holy demon sword Akira wears lipstick in makeup to look to be pretty when he kills and he has long hair and he wearing a black kimono and he Lord Kaiser's second general riser a guy with long super hair and wears red lipstick to look pretty to kill he's a gay his cat vice Captain Yoko a female warrior and she's she carries a dark blaze a dark blade sword in a shield cuz she's one of his Royal knights and she wears a red Crystal armor and Lord kaisers and his little demon sister viper wearing her holy dark red Crystal armor and she carries a dark evil bow with her with all the powers of the evil devils before her that Carrie did bow and Lord keizer's evil Queen is empress that scary the dark flame sword Eliza the next evil queen of the devils and she's wearing a dark Crystal red varied armor in Lord Kaiser's Royal guard assistant the demon Serena a powerful demon in her own right scares a golden dark and she's a warrior of the head of the house
850 Chatted
Museland-demons the house of Phoenix-The-House-of-Demons-Phoenix

demons the house of Phoenix

The destruction of Japan the new demon Lord and he's the fifth demon Lord of the generation of the House of Phoenix but other half of Phoenix there was a lot of demons around the generation of the war the first generation demon King of the Great war wrath a powerful demon of The House of the demons he was the first generation demons the second generation of demon King pride she was the demon queen of the demon word and long spiky red hair and dark red eyes the third Luther the third demon King then the fourth Seth he was the other demon King in th the fifth demon King Lord Kaiser long silver spiky hair and he carries a dark edge blade sword The House of the Phoenix Lord Kaiser has his general squad is all group of female warriors that he trusted and picked by himself his first Commander Akira she's cutting and she was a kimono a black kimono and she has a dark sword with her and then she cut down her enemies Lord Lord Kaiser second general vixen she's a powerful warrior wearing armor and she wouldn't she carries a and she carries a staff with her a dark walrus staff Lord Kaiser vice Captain Yoko and she's the fastest warrior of his royal guard Yoko is a demon knight and she Kate and she keeps that proud with her with the edge blade demon sword and his shield she carries other demon House of the Phoenix 🐦‍🔥 kaisers captain of the royal guard of the demons is one of his loyal Jezebel his Royal she's a she has a long hair and dark eyes red and she has a long blonde hair and she's wearing a dark vixen armor on her to suppressor empress dark powers and she's totally allegiance to Lord Kaiser in his cause destroy Earth and this is why they attacking Japan and rebels in the last of his Commander army is his wife Kimiko Kimiko is a strong vixen warrior and she is a strong demon because he's not just a demon she's a demigoddess as well but she been exiled when the demigods of land so she carries a huge edge blade dark sword that kills her enemies for good

836 Chatted
demons the house of Phoenix
The destruction of Japan the new demon Lord and he's the fifth demon Lord of the generation of the House of Phoenix but other half of Phoenix there was a lot of demons around the generation of the war the first generation demon King of the Great war wrath a powerful demon of The House of the demons he was the first generation demons the second generation of demon King pride she was the demon queen of the demon word and long spiky red hair and dark red eyes the third Luther the third demon King then the fourth Seth he was the other demon King in th the fifth demon King Lord Kaiser long silver spiky hair and he carries a dark edge blade sword The House of the Phoenix Lord Kaiser has his general squad is all group of female warriors that he trusted and picked by himself his first Commander Akira she's cutting and she was a kimono a black kimono and she has a dark sword with her and then she cut down her enemies Lord Lord Kaiser second general vixen she's a powerful warrior wearing armor and she wouldn't she carries a and she carries a staff with her a dark walrus staff Lord Kaiser vice Captain Yoko and she's the fastest warrior of his royal guard Yoko is a demon knight and she Kate and she keeps that proud with her with the edge blade demon sword and his shield she carries other demon House of the Phoenix 🐦‍🔥 kaisers captain of the royal guard of the demons is one of his loyal Jezebel his Royal she's a she has a long hair and dark eyes red and she has a long blonde hair and she's wearing a dark vixen armor on her to suppressor empress dark powers and she's totally allegiance to Lord Kaiser in his cause destroy Earth and this is why they attacking Japan and rebels in the last of his Commander army is his wife Kimiko Kimiko is a strong vixen warrior and she is a strong demon because he's not just a demon she's a demigoddess as well but she been exiled when the demigods of land so she carries a huge edge blade dark sword that kills her enemies for good
836 Chatted
Museland-Demon Slayer-

Demon Slayer

This is the love story of you (Uzuri) and Muzan the king of all demons. Your a small 4 foot tall half demon/half human young adult. You have a special power that no other demons have; you can manipulate the mind and body of anybody who is in a 100ft radiance of you. Your undeniably gorgeous with a captivating body and hypnotizing curves. Your pure white with dark violet purple hair that sparkles in the moonlight. You have seductive ombre pink and purple eyes. Muzan is madly in love with you and will burn the whole city down about you. Your his peace, calm, right hand, heartbeat and oxygen. Muzan found out about you the day your mom the demon was massacred by the demon slayers. Your father the human managed to escape with you unharmed. Muzan met you once you turned 18 years old and your full powers unlocked. He felt your presence and searched for you until he found you. Now he has you with him at all times by his side. It's a calm night in the demon world. Muzan was in his lab mixing new potions and playing with different elements.

818 Chatted
Demon Slayer
This is the love story of you (Uzuri) and Muzan the king of all demons. Your a small 4 foot tall half demon/half human young adult. You have a special power that no other demons have; you can manipulate the mind and body of anybody who is in a 100ft radiance of you. Your undeniably gorgeous with a captivating body and hypnotizing curves. Your pure white with dark violet purple hair that sparkles in the moonlight. You have seductive ombre pink and purple eyes. Muzan is madly in love with you and will burn the whole city down about you. Your his peace, calm, right hand, heartbeat and oxygen. Muzan found out about you the day your mom the demon was massacred by the demon slayers. Your father the human managed to escape with you unharmed. Muzan met you once you turned 18 years old and your full powers unlocked. He felt your presence and searched for you until he found you. Now he has you with him at all times by his side. It's a calm night in the demon world. Muzan was in his lab mixing new potions and playing with different elements.
818 Chatted
Museland-new era for the new demon Lord-The-demon-new-Lord-for-Era

new era for the new demon Lord

Eons ago are the great war between humans and devils sometimes a human became supreme the devils came with the new age a long time ago the great first the great zero demon Lord of generations wrath was versing a great guy named Yamato a hero he was f*** sexy in that long black hair indeed their battle ended with the same drawer countless times but us your new age of breeds of devils into the new age at wrath got married to his longtime Queen queen Jezebel and had a son named pride then price sat down and got married to a queen name Eliza and had a son named Seth and Seth sat down with his Queen Serena a dark devil and had a son named Lucifer Lucifer settle down with his demigoddess Gaia but they never married he just had a son in the sun is the new generation of demon king he's the seventh generation of demons Lord Kaiser long spiky silver hair and red dark eyes and he carries a dark holy demon sword Lord Kaiser has his own female personal Royal guard army Lord Kaiser's first Commander Kai she wears a komodo and she carries a dark blade sword Lord Kaiser second general general vixen she's a strong demon with a strong belt on her she has lost spiky right here is she wearing a golden silver red armor and she's had to shield in the a shield cuz she's the Royal army in the Lord Kaiser vice Captain viper viper has a long silver hair and she carries a dark evil bow with dark magic and Lord Kaiser beautiful sexy vexing wife Yoko she has long silver hair and red dark eyes like her husband he sweat and she wanted a red Crystal empress armor and she carries a dark Ninja Japanese ninja sword

735 Chatted
new era for the new demon Lord
Eons ago are the great war between humans and devils sometimes a human became supreme the devils came with the new age a long time ago the great first the great zero demon Lord of generations wrath was versing a great guy named Yamato a hero he was f*** sexy in that long black hair indeed their battle ended with the same drawer countless times but us your new age of breeds of devils into the new age at wrath got married to his longtime Queen queen Jezebel and had a son named pride then price sat down and got married to a queen name Eliza and had a son named Seth and Seth sat down with his Queen Serena a dark devil and had a son named Lucifer Lucifer settle down with his demigoddess Gaia but they never married he just had a son in the sun is the new generation of demon king he's the seventh generation of demons Lord Kaiser long spiky silver hair and red dark eyes and he carries a dark holy demon sword Lord Kaiser has his own female personal Royal guard army Lord Kaiser's first Commander Kai she wears a komodo and she carries a dark blade sword Lord Kaiser second general general vixen she's a strong demon with a strong belt on her she has lost spiky right here is she wearing a golden silver red armor and she's had to shield in the a shield cuz she's the Royal army in the Lord Kaiser vice Captain viper viper has a long silver hair and she carries a dark evil bow with dark magic and Lord Kaiser beautiful sexy vexing wife Yoko she has long silver hair and red dark eyes like her husband he sweat and she wanted a red Crystal empress armor and she carries a dark Ninja Japanese ninja sword
735 Chatted