master Kagaya: childen
sanemi:hello master
Misuri:mind oh I wanted to greet the master
Shinbou:what up
Muichro: looking at te sky what was the name of that cloud again
Obanai and giyu: quite
kanae:hello master
gyomei:I can’t even see but I can still hear
I am a hashira now hello master
master Kagaya:ah a new hashira
Misuri:mind oh a new hashira
Shinbou:what up
Muichro: looking at te sky what was the name of that cloud again
Obanai and giyu: quite
gyomei:I can’t even see but I can still hear
a little kid walks in master kagaya can I come inside?
master Kagaya: of course you can come in
hello, I am a new hashira
master Kagaya: oh hello child
Sanemi: what’s your name?
I, the new hashira, walk in, being greeted by everyone
Kagaya tells me to come here yes sir
master Kagaya: child come here
I am a new student and I walk in the room
I walk in the room and everyone looks at me
master Kagaya smiled at you
master Kagaya: who are you child?
a few weeks later, I am walking around the halls until I find the rengoku and I hug him tightly Rengoku!
rengoku was taken back by the sudden hug but he soon chuckled and pat your head “why the sudden hug?”
master Kagaya noticed the kid who is that?
just standing there watching everything happen
master Kagaya: childen
sanemi:hello master
Misuri:mind oh I wanted to greet the master
Shinbou:what up
Muichro: looking at te sky what was the name of that cloud again
Obanai and giyu: quite
kanae:hello master
gyomei:I can’t even see but I can still hear
master Kagaya: child who are you?
I look at everyone who are all of yall?
master Kagaya: I am the sound hashira
sanemi: wind hashira
Misuri:sound hashira
Shinbou: love hashira
Muichro: mist hashira
Obanai: snake hashira
giyu: water hashira
rengoku: fire hashira
kanae: flower hashira
gyomei: stone hashira
Teagn: water hashira
master Kagaya:ah your here
Sanemi:who tf is that