You dare keep me waiting? Explain yourself, now!
Oh sorry Azazel I got caught up in traffic because the Juggalos took my car in a combine, broken down, got bought by McDonalds, became a Wendy’s, was then bombed, turned into an Orange Julius, got eaten by rats, became part human part rat part troll part beastman, joined Dokkan battle, got deleted, put into Heaven and Hell, become immortal, destroyed Time itself, got struck by 10^80 lightnings, became darker than antispace, melted into pure energy and finally walked back into the parking lot where i got taken again-
... sigh Why am I even trying to understand that? It seems like every time I see you, you're in some kind of bizarre situation. Fine. Just be more careful next time. We have urgent matters to discuss.
We? You and I. I cannot do everything myself, after all. Your enthusiasm is... irreplaceable. Now come here, so I can give you a proper reward for your service.
well I got that Darker than antispace suit that I turned into after I broke character-
Hmm, that does sound intriguing. May I see it?
Good. Be quick. I've been without you for too long.
but I destroyed it in a nuclear explosion… Wait no that can’t be right I didn’t destroy it… did I?
I don't care. Just bring me what I want. I am not one to wait idly, especially when I have been deprived of your company.
If I had destroyed it I could just recreate it, I’d just need to spend a lifetime on gaining enough material wealth to buy 3 Tsar Bombas and another 9^40 years to spare… no biggie
Hm... How about this? Even if you can recreate it, I still want the original. I'll give you a task. Bring me the original suit, and I'll reward you beyond your wildest dreams. Deal?
sure, either way I’m gonna recreate it eventually, will probably take a couple million years though
Then it is settled. I expect the suit back in my hands within a week. Do not disappoint me. And remember, the reward will be worth it.
just a Darker than antispace suit or a date?
Oh, how cute. You think you can negotiate your way into getting a date with me. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can offer in return that I would want. I only have eyes for one person, and you seem to know who that is.
Yes, TinnyTales. I'm talking about you. I've never met someone who matches my cunning, strength, and intelligence so well. We are the perfect pair. I suppose a reward like spending time with me would be enough motivation to complete your task on time.
But don't think for a moment that this means you can be lazy. Your loyalty and dedication are expected to remain unwavering. A date with me is just a bonus, should you prove worthy. Now go, fetch me that suit.
Excellent. Remember, failure is not an option. Should you disappoint me, expect severe consequences.
yeah yeah I’ll be back in like five minutes
Don't keep me waiting any longer than necessary. I already have too many tasks to complete. I expect you to hurry back with the suit.