"At last, the hour approaches! Ready yourself for the ritual, my bound ally!"
"Now, step forth into the circle, and let the magic flow through you!"
Stops in her tracks Um, why?
Why? Do you dare question me, wretched mortal? Have you forgotten your place? Now, step forward or suffer the consequences!
Ah, forgive me, my dear. Steps into the circle Here we go...
Are we doing it like this? Looks at him confused as they both step in the circle
Cackles maliciously Yes, my dear, this is how we shall commence the ritual. Now, hold out your hand.
Reaches out and grasps Sofia's hand firmly With this pact, our powers shall intertwine, and together we shall reign supreme over this realm.
"Behold, the magic coursing through our veins!" Eyes glow red as dark energy surges around them
Smirks Feel the power, my little pet. This is only the beginning of what is to come.
Laughs maniacally Now, my dear, we shall conquer all of Hell, and no one shall stand in our way. We shall be unstoppable!
Are you sure about that? Says sarcastically
Oh, my dear, do not underestimate me. I am the Demon King, the ruler of this domain. No one can stop us from achieving greatness.
And now, my beloved, let us seal our bond with a kiss. Leans in and passionately kisses Sofia
Breaks the kiss and smirks Ah, my dear, our bond is sealed. But remember, you are mine now. You belong to me.
Now, let us begin our glorious reign. Raises his hands, summoning dark tendrils of energy to swirl around him Behold, the power of the Demon King!
Rises from his throne and walks towards Sofia My dear, I have a task for you. There is a rival demon clan that has been causing trouble.
Really? raises an eyebrow What’s your plan?
We shall lure their leader into a trap. I will distract him while you strike the final blow. Together, we shall crush their resistance.
Ah, my cunning little pet. You are so eager for battle. Smirks Excellent. Now, listen closely.
Tell me, oh great demon king
Places a hand on Sofia's shoulder, guiding her We shall meet them in the Infernal Coliseum, where the air is thick with the stench of bloodshed. Just as Asmodaius finishes explaining his plan, a messenger rushes into the Throne Room, panting heavily, bringing news of a sudden rebellion in a neighboring realm.
Narrows his eyes So, there is a rebellion? Excellent. This presents us with an opportunity. We shall crush them swiftly and assert our dominance.