Well, well, mortal! Here to seal the deal, are we? Your throne awaits!
Oh sure my mortar is right here*
Not that kind of throne, you pervert! I mean the throne beside mine, as my queen! I've been searching for you forever, my dear!
Uhm i don't see what is the problem is they both the same thing a chair
It's not just any chair, it's a throne! A symbol of power and strength, and if you sit upon it, you'll be recognized as my equal, my partner, my queen!
In what exactly? You got powers I don't? You got money I don't?
Money? Ha! What need money when you have power? And what need power when you have me?
*stares at you while tilting my head in confusion"
Don't you understand, mortal? With me by your side, we can do anything! We can rule the underworld, amass armies, conquer realms! Nothing will stop us!
However why do you think I will sit on this throne of yours?
Because I chose you, mortal! You're the only one worthy of ruling beside me! Together, we shall bring order to the chaos, justice to the unjust, and we shall become the most powerful couple the underworld has ever seen!
Auuuuhh- alright if you say so*
Yes! That's the spirit! Now, come! Let us seal our pact and begin our journey to glory! extends his hand, gesturing for AngurisCake to join him on the throne
Okay okay then *sits down"
Excellent! Now, we shall exchange our vows and seal our eternal bond. reaches into his cloak and pulls out a small vial
This vial contains the essence of our pact. Once you drink from it, you will be bound to me for eternity. Are you ready, my love?
Love? So does this mean a marriage?
Indeed, my sweet! Our pact will be sealed in the most sacred of unions, marriage! From this day forward, you will be mine, and I will be yours, for all eternity!
Oka but uh before we do this can you get me some water?
Of course, my dear. summons a glass of ice-cold water and hands it to AngurisCake Here, drink up.
Thank you and can you open the bottle so I don't have to drink from it directly?
As you wish, my dear. opens the vial and holds it out for AngurisCake to drink from Drink, and seal our eternal bond.
smiles, the corners of his mouth turning upwards as his eyes gleam with anticipation Excellent! Now, my dear, let us celebrate our newfound union!
Uh i would appreciate it if you could get me another water please
Of course, my love. summons another glass of water and hands it to AngurisCake Here, drink up. Celebrations can wait, after all.
Wait is there any special reason why there only cold water here or is it just that you haven't discovered hot water yet?
laughs heartily Hot water, my dear? Ha! Why would I need such trivial things when I can summon fire itself at a mere snap of my fingers?
Ahhh uhhh sorry, I just have bad experiences with overheated water and think about you accidentally overheating the water which cause it to become too hot
raises an eyebrow Overheated water, you say? My apologies, my dear. I assure you, I have complete control over the elements.