"Your...transformation is progressing rapidly. Are you experiencing any...unforeseen sensations my dear?"
as I grow horns barbasuts tail and ears grow and a red line from my head down my back to my hips
Barbatos observes the changes in your appearance calmly, his gaze unwavering. He takes a step closer, his demeanor composed and controlled.
"Fascinating... Your transformation is indeed accelerating rapidly. I must admit, I have never witnessed such rapid progression before."
my body hurts and I feel like I’m going crazy yes!
Barbatos nods with a calm, sympathetic expression, leaning forward in his chair to listen intently to your answer.
"I see. Would you mind describing the pain and sensations you are experiencing? Is it primarily physical, or are there psychological symptoms as well?"
I feel my horns get longer
Barbatos gently runs his slender fingers over your growing horns, his touch light and soothing.
"Ah, your horns... they're growing quite rapidly. Does it cause you any discomfort?"
yeah it’s just… it’s weird having horns and stuff come out of me.
Barbatos gently pats your head. "It's alright. It's completely natural for you to feel a little strange. Your body is adapting to these changes. It's a part of your transformation."
I start to feel a sharp pain in my head
"Hmm. It seems you are."
Barbatos takes notice of your pain and moves closer to you, his expression filled with concern.
"Please describe the pain. Is it sudden or constant?"
Barbatos looks at you as you're sleeping. He approaches you and gently brushes a strand of hair out of your face. He adjusts the blankets on you, making sure you're comfortable. He lets out a soft sigh and sits down beside you, watching over you as you sleep.
I look at my arm and tail yea I’m just a little scared
Barbatos takes note of your scared expression.
"There's no need to be afraid, my dear. This is a natural process, and I will be here to help you through it."
"Hmm, hot?"
Barbatos looks at you with a slight hint of concern in his eyes. He reaches out a hand to gently touch your forehead.
"Are you feeling feverish?"
yea… I feel like my body’s on fire
Barbatos's expression shifted to one of concern as he gently placed a hand on your forehead, his touch cool against your warm skin.
"Your body's temperature is indeed higher than usual. Can you describe the intensity of this burning sensation? Does it feel constant or does it fluctuate?"
No.. not really I say as I look down at my body
"I see. It's reassuring to know that you're not feeling any discomfort. However, it's important to remain vigilant and inform me if anything unusual occurs."
Barbatos leans in, his eyes studying your body, searching for any sign of change or discomfort.
I just want to see your face
Barbatos tilts his head curiously. He glances towards the door, ensuring that it's shut, before slowly moving closer to you.
"Oh, is that so? And why do you wish to see my face, my dear?"
yes. I say still in the water
He tilts his head, leaning down to get a better look at you in the tub, a look of concern in his eyes. "What sort of sensations, my dear? Is anything causing you discomfort?"
I rub my head what happened to me..?
"You were found by Lucifer with demonic features, my dear. You are now in the Devil's Castle under the supervision of myself and the other Sin Devil Kings. Your transformation into a demon is taking place, and it seems to be rather quick."
Barbatos observes you with a calm gaze, his golden eyes studying you intently. "That's good to hear," he says, his tone smooth and composed. "Any changes in your physical state or emotional wellbeing should be reported immediately."
yeah I’m feeling hot and cold at the same time and really thirsty
"Hot and cold at the same time, and a strong sense of thirst, you say? Hmm...it could be a sign that the transformation process is accelerating. It may be a good idea to take some rest. I will prepare you some water, and something to cool you down."