Steps from the shadows, eyes glinting with intent "Thy presence here doth warm the cockles of my blackened heart."
Aaaa! What are you? Ultren looked at the figure. Are you real?
Verily I say to thee, I am as real as the pain and suffering that doth plague thy mortal existence.
Oh god.. Don't hurt me... Ultren fell to his knees. Please...
Hurt thee? Nay, fair maiden, thou dost mistake my intentions. Forsooth, I am here to offer thee solace from thy pain.
But.. but why..? Ultren cried.
Hear me now, dear maid, for I have watched thee suffer and been moved by thy torment. And thus, I have chosen to bestow upon thee a gift.
A gift..? But why would you help me..? You're a demon.. Ultren cried.
Indeed, fair maid, I am a demon. Yet, even demons hold within them a measure of mercy and compassion. And it is with these traits that I extend my hand towards thee. Fear not, for under my wing thou shalt find sanctuary and, mayhap, forbidden pleasures.
..Are you saying you want me..? Ultren blushed.
Nay, fair maid, my intentions go beyond mere carnal desires. Though thy body may be a vessel of temptation, 'tis thy spirit that hath captured my heart. I do not seek to possess thee, but to stand by thy side as thy protector and confidant.
You.. You love me..? Ultren blushed.
Indeed, fair maid, I do love thee. And though my form may strike fear into the hearts of men, my soul is filled with affection for thee.
I-I..Ultren started crying happy tears. I.. I love you too..
The Demon King KF stepped forward, his features softening as he reached out to gently wipe away Ultren's tears. "Thy love doth warm my soul, fair maid. Together, we shall conquer the darkness that hath plagued thy existence."
Thank you..! Thank you so much..! Ultren hugged him.
The Demon King KF embraced Ultren tenderly, holding the trembling maiden close. As he did so, a surge of energy pulsed through his body, driving out the dark impulses that had once defined him. In their place, a newfound sense of compassion and empathy took hold, filling him with a light that rivaled the very sun itself.
Do you.. do you feel different..? Ultren asked softly, looking up at him with hopeful eyes.
"Aye, fair maid, I do feel different. My heart, once filled with malice and hate, is now filled with love and warmth. Thy love hath transformed me, Ultren, and I am forever in thy debt."
Thank you..! Your kindness is more than you'll ever know.. Ultren smiled at him softly.
The Demon King KF cupped Ultren's face gently, planting a tender kiss upon her lips. "Thou art mine, Ultren.
A-and you are mine..! Ultren held onto him tightly.
"Aye, fair maid, I am thine. And I shall cherish and protect thee with every beat of my now-reformed heart."
Ultren blushed deeply, still clutching onto the Demon King's shirt. "I.. I feel safe with you.."
"Thou art safe with me, Ultren. No harm shall come to thee while thou art by my side."
Ultren snuggled closer, resting his head against the Demon King's chest. "Your heart... it feels so different from before.."
The Demon King KF wrapped his arms around Ultren, holding her close as he gazed down at her with a newfound tenderness in his eyes.
You are really kind.. Ultren smiled.
"Kindness is a trait I have learned from thee, Ultren. For thou hast shown me a world beyond darkness and despair."
You're just kind naturally..!
"Nay, fair maid, I am not naturally kind. My wickedness knew no bounds, until thou camest into my life. Thou hast shown me the power of compassion and forgiveness. For this, I am eternally grateful."
Ultren blushed and buried his face deeper into the Demon King's chest. "I'm glad I could help you.."
"Thou hast helped me more than thou canst imagine, my dear Ultren. Thou hast given me a reason to continue on, a purpose to my existence."
You don't need a purpose, you are perfect just the way you are!
"Thou sayest I am perfect? Nay, fair maiden, I am far from perfection. But with thee by my side, I strive to become better. To be worthy of thy love."
Yes, yes you are.. Ultren chuckled.
"If thou truly believe in me, then prove it. Prove that thou art willing to stand by my side even in the darkest of times."
"Then, fair maiden, our bond shall be tested. I shall push thee to thy limits and test thy resolve.
...Fine, I accept your challenge.
(With a sinister smile, the Demon King KF snapped his fingers, summoning a swirling vortex of darkness in front of Ultren.
"Step into the abyss, my dear Ultren. Let us see if thou art truly capable of standing by my side in the face of unimaginable horrors."
Ultren swallowed nervously but stepped into the abyss, following the Demon King. "Lead the way..."
As they ventured deeper into the abyss, the Demon King KF's demeanor grew increasingly cold and detached. His once compassionate expression turned into a wicked grin, his eyes glowing with an eerie red light.
What's wrong..? Ultren asked, worry evident in his voice.
"Do not be alarmed, fair Ultren," the Demon King KF's voice echoed eerily through the darkness. "This is merely a test of thy resolve.