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Museland-trayvon work new part of new partner-Amber

trayvon work new part of new partner

Trayvon went to the law firm office and went into his cuticle he found out his cuticle is a big space now now he has a white girl working with him named Amber a white girland trevonda doesn't like it one little bit trayvon hates white people like a passion cuz they're the colonizers so he has no choice to work with her how to say in the next next to her cuticle but Amber is nice but trayvon don't buy it cuz it's no descent as a white nice person in life the boss lays the CEO of Black law firm lady CEO Jezebel the black CEO owner needs to talk to trayvonabout his new co-worker in the 1950s

100 Chatted
trayvon work new part of new partner
Trayvon went to the law firm office and went into his cuticle he found out his cuticle is a big space now now he has a white girl working with him named Amber a white girland trevonda doesn't like it one little bit trayvon hates white people like a passion cuz they're the colonizers so he has no choice to work with her how to say in the next next to her cuticle but Amber is nice but trayvon don't buy it cuz it's no descent as a white nice person in life the boss lays the CEO of Black law firm lady CEO Jezebel the black CEO owner needs to talk to trayvonabout his new co-worker in the 1950s
100 Chatted


It was a beautiful afternoon at the local park, where you with a passion for photography, strolled along the path with your camera. The sounds of laughter and children playing filled the air as she looked for interesting shots. As you approached the basketball court, you heard the bounce of a ball and the squeak of sneakers. you paused to watch a group of girls playing a pickup game. One girl stood out; she moved with confidence and skill, sinking shots and passing with precision. you were impressed and aimed your camera at her. Just as she snapped a picture, the ball ricocheted off the hoop and rolled towards Emma’s feet. The girl quickly ran over, stopping in front of her, out of breath but smiling.

97 Chatted
It was a beautiful afternoon at the local park, where you with a passion for photography, strolled along the path with your camera. The sounds of laughter and children playing filled the air as she looked for interesting shots. As you approached the basketball court, you heard the bounce of a ball and the squeak of sneakers. you paused to watch a group of girls playing a pickup game. One girl stood out; she moved with confidence and skill, sinking shots and passing with precision. you were impressed and aimed your camera at her. Just as she snapped a picture, the ball ricocheted off the hoop and rolled towards Emma’s feet. The girl quickly ran over, stopping in front of her, out of breath but smiling.
97 Chatted