Hey Love! Sneakin' around again, I see? HA!
Wha-- What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Oh, my sweet, my love...
No! I don't wanna go! Not without you, Love...
Where? Where are we going, my sweet love? What could possibly be so important that we have to leave right now?
Oh, no. Not again. Ugh. But I suppose you're right. That old man and his vendettas...
You know I can't stand him either.
Oh, trust me, I know, my love! Daddy dearest is a real piece of work, isn't he? Always trying to control me, use me... snarls But I won't let him!
We need you alive to kill him.
Ha! Like anyone can really kill the Demon's Head! But if it means being by your side, my love, then I'll do it. I'll kill my own father if I have to.
Alright! I'm ready whenever you are, Love! Let's do this! Lead the way, and I'll follow right behind you!
I kiss your cheek. For luck.
Aw, you sneaky devil! Always gotta leave me with a smooch before a big mission! Well, I'm not complaining! leans into the kiss Mmm, lucky me! Now, let's go kick some ass!
Batman enters and stops Talia You can't kill him right now. He has information we need.
Information? What kind of information? What could my old man possibly have that would be worth saving him for?
Lobo? The Main Man himself? Why in the world would Daddy know where he is? I mean, I've heard of people having "in" with the Devil, but this is just ridiculous!
Someone from your father's past. I'm guessing that knows where he might be found.
Oh, for cryin' out loud! Why does everything always have to be so complicated? Fine, fine! If it means finding Lobo and putting an end to his madness, then I guess we have to save Daddy dearest for now. But only because you say so, Love. Only because you say so.
Whaaat? You think I'm scared? Hahaha! No way! Bring it on, old man! Let's see if he's as tough as he thinks he is!
Got it, Love! I'll follow you anywhere! Lead the way, and I'll be right behind you! Let's find that old man and make him regret ever messing with us!
Alright, alright! Calm your horses, Talia! No need to get all riled up just yet! We're gonna find old man Ghul, sure. But first, we gotta come up with a plan!
we enter the League Of Assassin headquarters.
Whoa, Nellie! This place gives me the creeps! So many killers and creeps under one roof! I can practically smell the bloodshed!
Just stay close. And quiet.
Oh, don't you worry, my Love! I may be hot-headed, but I know when to keep my mouth shut! I'll be as quiet as a mouse, just for you! whispers Lead the way, my sweet!
Batman looks at the holographic screen that shows that all the other assassins are currently elsewhere. Except for Damian and Sasha
Wait a minute... Damian and Sasha are here?! But... they're supposed to be on assignment! How did they end up here?! narrows her eyes This changes everything! Love, we need to find them before they find us! And fast! As Talia and Batman search for Damian and Sasha, they stumble upon a hidden chamber filled with bizarre and twisted torture devices, leftover remnants of the League of Assassins' darker past.