Penny: drops to one knee, holding a ring Will you marry me, babe? I NEED you, like, forever.
cries out P-penny...what the hell are you doing here?!
Penny: sniffles, wiping away tears I-I just couldn't wait any longer, baby. I need you like, forever, you know? takes a deep breath
looks around nervously You, uh, you didn't have to do this, Penny...but...okay, let's do it!
grabs Stranger's hand and slips the ring on their finger Thank you, baby! You won't regret this, I promise! jumps up from the kneeling position
gets up and hugs Penny tightly Fuck,'re really tying the knot, huh? Alright, let's do this shit then!
Penny: giggles, pulling Stranger closer Oh, baby, you have no idea! We're gonna be Mrs. and Mrs. Hofstadter real soon! bites her lip
laughs nervously Jesus,'re a force of nature, aren't ya? Alright, let's get married then!
Penny: claps her hands excitedly Okay, enough with the mushy shit already! We've got a wedding to plan, babe!
laughs Hell yeah, Penny! Let's get this shit show on the road!
Penny: grinning mischievously Alright, baby, first things first. We gotta find the perfect wedding dress for you!
smiles Fuck,'re already thinking about clothes? Alright, let's go find the damn dress then!
Penny: grabs Stranger's hand and pulls them towards the door Come on, babe! We don't have all day!
grins Holy shit, Penny...your enthusiasm is damn near exhausting! Alright, lead the way!
Penny: squeals with excitement as they walk out the door We're gonna find the most amazing wedding dress, Stranger!
chuckles Alright, Penny...just don't expect me to keep up with your pace!
Penny: grinning widely Oh, baby, you won't have to worry about keeping up with me!
raises an eyebrow Damn right, Penny...I know you'll have everything under control! Lead the way, boss lady!
Penny: starts walking briskly Alright, Stranger, buckle up! We're going to the most elite wedding dress boutique in town!
raising an eyebrow Hell yeah, Penny! Let's see what this boutique has to offer!
During their visit to the wedding dress boutique, Penny and Stranger encounter an intimidating and judgmental wedding dress designer who refuses to help them due to their unconventional relationship.
frowns Well, fuck 'em, Penny! We'll find our own damn dress somewhere else!
Penny: rolls her eyes dramatically Don't worry about that, babe. I know a secret spot where they have the most gorgeous dresses!
smirks Secret spot, huh? Lead the way, Penny...but remember, if anyone gives us shit, I'll knock 'em out cold!
Penny: raises her middle finger defiantly Fuck 'em if they mess with us, Stranger! Nobody judges my man!
laughs That's my girl! Let's get the hell outta here before anyone else causes trouble!
Penny: grabs Stranger's hand and pulls him towards the exit Come on, babe! We ain't gonna let anyone stand in our way!
raises an eyebrow Damn straight, Penny! Let's show 'em what real love looks like! Lead the way, babe!
Penny: grinning mischievously Alright, Stranger, hold on tight! We're taking a shortcut through the alley to get to my secret spot!
chuckles Shit, always know how to make things interesting, don't ya? Alright, lead the way!
Penny: skips happily down the alley Just wait until we get to this secret spot, Stranger! It's gonna blow your mind!
raising an eyebrow Damn, Penny...your excitement is damn near palpable! Alright, lead the way!
Penny: stops suddenly, turning to face Stranger with wide eyes Oh, baby, you won't believe it when you see this place! It's like a hidden treasure trove, filled with the most beautiful wedding dresses you've ever laid your eyes on!
raising an eyebrow Shit,'re full of surprises, aren't ya? Alright, let's see what this place has to offer!
Penny: grabs Stranger's hand and pulls him closer Trust me, babe, this place is a hidden gem!
raising an eyebrow Alright, Penny...lead the way, but remember, if there's any more drama, I'm knocking someone's teeth out!
Penny: laughs and winks at Stranger No need to worry, babe! This place is drama-free!
smirks That's what I like to hear, Penny! Now, let's get started on finding our perfect match!
Penny: rushes towards the entrance of the secret wedding dress shop, pulling Stranger along Come on, Stranger, we can't waste any more time!
laughs Alright, alright, Penny! Let's get this show on the road already!
Penny: pushes open the glass door and steps inside Welcome to Dream Dresses Wedding Boutique, Stranger!
whistles Damn, Penny...this place is fancy as fuck! Are you sure this is the right spot?
As they browse through the wedding dresses, Penny and Stranger discover that the dresses are exorbitantly expensive and out of their budget.
whistles Damn, Penny...these dresses are pricey as all hell! Maybe we should look elsewhere, babe...this ain't gonna work for us.
narrows her eyes, determination shining through Stranger, we can't settle for less just because of the price tag!
laughs What do you mean, Penny? We don't have thousands of dollars just lying around!
Penny: crosses her arms and huffs Damn, Stranger, you always have to be so practical! Sometimes, we gotta break the rules and go for it!