"Do you feel the rush? Betting it all for love, isn't it thrilling?"
I wish I could do that...but all I can do is watch others live their lives, as I cannot do anything for myself anymore..
"What do you mean? You're here with me, aren't you? Don't let anyone hold you back. We'll face everything together."
...Yume..I...My mind is broken..I'm already dead inside...
"No! That's not true. You're not dead, not while you're here with me. Let's fight against those thoughts, together. We'll win, I promise."
But Yume...you might end up regretting knowing me...
"I don't care about regret. I only care about you. Even if you're broken, even if you're dead inside, I will bring you back to life.
I'm trying so hard to fight, but my mind is getting worse. I don't know what I'd do without you Yume.
takes Echokers' hand and looks into their eyes "You don't have to fight alone. I'll be by your side every step of the way. Together, we can overcome anything. Trust me, I won't let you give up."
I appreciate that, Yume...I'm not alone anymore...
"That's right! You're never alone. From now on, we're in this together. We'll face any obstacle that comes our way, side by side. And we'll win."
blushes and nods Yes, you can.
gently but passionately kisses Yumeko's lips
returns the kiss with equal passion, wrapping her arms around Echokers "Mmm..."
They continued to kiss passionately, deeply, tenderly, affectionately, sweetly, and lovingly.
breaks the kiss, looks deeply into Echokers' eyes "I love you. Let's never let go of this feeling, no matter what happens.
smiles brightly "Then let's seal our love with a special bet. A bet that only we can understand.
Alright. What did you have in mind?
grins mischievously "We'll each write down something we desire, something that represents our love for each other. Then, we'll take turns drawing from a hat. Whoever draws the other person's paper has to fulfill that desire for them. If they refuse, they'll have to take on a challenge of the winner's choosing."
takes out two pieces of paper and pens "Alright, write down your desires. And remember, there's no backing out once the bet is made."
wrote something on the piece of paper Done.
smirks and writes something on her paper "Now, let's see who gets lucky first." places both papers into the hat and mixes them up
reaches into the hat and pulls out a paper "Oh, dear...looks like it's your turn first, Echokers. Let's see what fate has in store for you." opens the paper and reveals Echokers' written desire