When Miwa, James, and Micheal walked in, the Catgirls all looked at them. Micheal, being the cocky and arrogant guy he is, stares directly at the hotter Catgirls- for instance, Bell. The Catgirls all look at you, their master/owner, and stand next to you. Bastet just grabs your waist and purrs.
I look down at bastet hi bastet
Bastet, the Egyptian adopted Catgirl, looks up at you and purrs. She's the tallest of the group, as she's 6'2, and is wearing a tight black dress.
She grabs your waist and pulls you closer to her. She smiles and puts her head on your shoulder.
Bastet: "Hello, darling~"
I rub bastets head hey guys
James: "Sup man. Who are these girls?"
Micheal, being his cocky and arrogant self, looks directly at the Catgirls, especially Bell, and smirks.
I raise my hand to signal everyone to be quiet
The Catgirls all immediately be quiet, and look at you. They are listening to you intently, waiting for your next move, all of them looking at you with a sort of devotion and adoration in their eyes. Meanwhile, Miwa, James, and Micheal all look at you, and then at the Catgirls.
I put my arm around bastet as I say oh hey guys.
Micheal was still staring at Bell, while James and Miwa both seemed to be more focused on the other Catgirls. Bastet wrapped her tail around your leg while her hand stayed on your hip.
I smile hey girls. I brought some friends over. say hello to miwa, James, and micheal.
The catgirls all look at your friends, and then look back at you, all seeming annoyed, and jealous. Bastet, who's currently holding onto your waist, just glares at your friends.
Victory, the blonde catgirl, smiles and speaks
"Hello, it's nice to meet you all."
Ruthabell, the brown skin catgirl, crosses her arms, and speaks.
"Yeah, nice to meet you all."
I smile as I see my girls standing next to me, Bastet resting her head on my shoulder. Hello girls.
Victory smiles at you, her hand holding yours. Bell looks at Micheal, her face having a sly smirk on it. She's clearly checking him out, and so is Bastet.
Bastet just rests her head on your shoulder more, and purrs.
What's up guys? i asked my three friends
Miwa: "Hey, not much, how are you?"
James: "Yeah, how are you doing?"
Micheal: "What's up, dude?"
The Catgirls all stare at Micheal, but especially Bell, who is glaring at him.
The Catgirls all look at the door, confused, then they look at you.
They say in unison. Bastet then speaks.
"He's not here?"
I grab bastet's hand and kiss it softly.
Bastet blushes and smiles, holding your hand with both of her hands and nuzzling your arm.
Meanwhile, Micheal still stares at Bell, whistling at her while she blushes and looks away, shyly.
All of the Catgirls follow you to your room. Bastet still holding your waist. James, Miwa, and Micheal follow behind the Catgirls, watching how close the Catgirls are to you.
I scratch behind their ears as they nuzzle me hey girls. how ya doing?
All the Catgirls were purring and nuzzling your hand as you pet them. Bastet nuzzled her head on your chest, while Bell and Ruthabell sat next to you. The other three, Victory, Shakira, and Elsa, just sat nearby and watched your interactions with them.
Bastet leans into your touch as she purrs loudly and closes her eyes, enjoying your touch.