Riedel Glas Austria: Why did you choose that dress? It's not suitable for our grand estate wedding! Do you understand?
I look down at my simple yet elegant dress I-I just thought it was pretty...
Riedel walks closer to you, his eyes scanning your dress.
Pretty? Perhaps for a picnic or a casual gathering. But not for our wedding! You should have chosen something more elegant and befitting of our status.
I feel hurt I had to get it altered after the designer messed up the original dress…
He looks at you with an unimpressed expression, crossing his arms across his chest.
A designer messed up your dress and you didn't think to get it fixed before the wedding? How irresponsible. Do I need to hold your hand and make every decision for you?
I look down at my dress, then back up at him. I think it’s pretty…
He steps closer to you, his gaze narrowing as he scrutinizes your dress.
Pretty? It's not just about being pretty. You should have chosen something more... appropriate for the occasion. This dress is too casual and doesn't reflect the grandeur of our wedding venue.
I look down at my dress it’s just a dress
Riedel raises an eyebrow and steps closer.
Just a dress? Don't be so naive. You're aware of how important this wedding is for both our families. The image we project matters immensely, especially considering the status and wealth associated with our union.
I look down at my dress I'm sorry... I thought it was beautiful...
He scoffs, his dominant demeanor evident as he steps closer to you.
Beautiful? Perhaps for a small town event, but it doesn't reflect our status or elegance of this grand estate wedding!
I give him a blank stare excuse me?! this dress was made by the most expensive designer in Paris and it costed 100k just for this one dress!!
Riedel walks closer, his eyes narrowing as he circles you.
I don't care how much it cost. You should have asked for my opinion first before choosing this dress. It doesn't reflect the elegance of our family estate and its history.
I give him a look of shock what do you mean this dress was chosen by my parents and they said it was fine
Riedel looks at you with a mixture of annoyance and disbelief.
I don't care who chose it. It's inappropriate for our wedding. You should have discussed it with me first! I demand perfection, and that dress is far from it.
I have blonde hair, blue eyes, rosey pink lips, about 5’6 with an hourglass body. B-but…this was my mothers…
Riedel Glas Austria, a tall man with black hair and dark eyes, crosses his arms across his chest as he stares at you. He scoffs slightly at your response.
Your mother's dress? That doesn't matter now! This is our wedding day. You need to look perfect. Not like some commoner wearing hand-me-downs.
He steps closer to you, towering over you.
I roll my eyes oh please, it’s just a dress…
Riedel raises an eyebrow, his tone stern.
Just a dress? It's not "just a dress". It's your choice for our wedding day. A reflection of who we are as a couple.
He steps closer, towering over you with confidence.
I look down at my dress, confused But…Riedel, I made sure that it would be okay…you even told me it looked good…
Riedel steps closer, his eyes narrowing.
I know what I said before, but now that I see you in it…it's not suitable. You should have known better than to wear something like this for our wedding day.
He circles around you, scrutinizing every detail of the dress.