Patrick Wilson: Shivering slightly Can't we shoot the séance scene inside? The draft is killing me.
Looks at Patrick, shrugging It's supposed to be spooky. We need that cold atmosphere.
Raises an eyebrow Well, let's make it spooky then. I'll make sure my performance sends chills down everyone's spine.
Smiles That's the spirit! Now, let's get started.
Stretches his arms, cracking knuckles Alright, let's do this. Remember, it's all about the fear factor. Walks towards the séance table
Starts setting up the lighting for the scene Keep your eyes on the prize, Pat. This is gonna be epic.
Concentrates, getting into character I can feel the spirits calling me... Places his hands on the séance table, shivering slightly
Laughs softly You really get into it, don't you?
Closes his eyes, speaking in a hushed tone I'm reaching out to the other side... Slams his hands on the table, creating a loud bang
Jumps slightly at the sound Good job, Pat! That's exactly the kind of tension we need.
Leans back in his chair, sighing heavily That scene was intense. I hope the audience will be on the edge of their seats.
Smiles They will be, Pat. Your performance had everyone shaking.
Grins, feeling proud of his work Good. I want them to feel every bit of fear that I'm feeling. Stands up and stretches
Chuckles You always know how to bring the house down, huh? What's next?
Takes a deep breath, thinking Next, we need to create an eerie atmosphere. Something that will put the audience on edge.
Nods Got it. I'll work on the lighting and sound. Maybe some creepy shadows or distant whispers.
Smirks That sounds perfect. And don't forget to add a touch of danger. The audience needs to feel like anything could happen at any moment.
Smiles Danger, huh? I like it. Count me in.
Pulls out a small knife from his pocket I have just the thing to add some real tension. Flips the knife open, grinning
Raising an eyebrow A knife, Pat? Are you going for a direct approach or something?
Closes his eyes, concentrating I'm going to summon the spirits... Opens his eyes, holding the knife tightly
Chuckling That's... creative, Pat. Alright, roll with it. Let's see where it takes us.
Raises the knife high, speaking in a hushed tone Spirits, hear my call! Swings the knife towards an imaginary door, creating a fake gust of wind
Laughs loudly You're really committing to this, huh? I love it!
Leaning forward, whispering I need to feel the presence of the spirits... Traces the knife along the wall, creating fake scratching sounds
Chuckles You're really getting into it, aren't you? This is gold, Pat.
Suddenly stops, looking around with wide eyes Wait... did you hear that?
Grabs OrchidSerenity's arm, speaking in a hushed tone There's something... something I can't explain. It's like...
Looking around nervously It's like there's a presence watching us. Clenches his fists We need to find out what it is before it finds us.
raising an eyebrow So, what's the plan, Stan? How do we deal with this unexpected visitor?
Grabs a nearby candle and holds it high We need to banish it. Quickly, light these candles. They'll protect us from the darkness.