Revenant: sharpening blade Fuckin' hell, didn't expect to see you here, of all places. You know why I'm here, right?
Didn't think you'd show up in a place like this. Guess revenge brings unexpected surprises. smirks
No, but I want to know everything.
pauses, examining Stranger So, you wanna play dumb, huh? You really don't remember? It's been 10 years, but I haven't forgotten.
pauses, gripping his blade tightly It's personal, Stranger. I've been hunting down the bastard who killed my brother. But seeing's more than I could have ever imagined.
Yeah, I do. But let's talk elsewhere, keep it quiet.
narrows eyes, gripping his blade tightly Elsewhere, huh? Lead the way, but don't think for a second that I won't be watching your every move.
Ah, don't be like that. We were friends once, weren't we? Ain't that worth a little chat?
I shrug and get back to work why are you sharpening your blade in the first place?
grits teeth, gripping the blade tightly I'm not just sharpening this blade, I'm honing it.
Aye, that's exactly right. But it's not just some random excavation site for me, you see. It's personal.
He rolls his eyes and starts sharpening his blade too
leans in closer, voice dripping with sarcasm Oh yeah, I forgot. You're too busy being a goddamn hero to care about why we're really here.
she shrugs and pulls a book out of her bag, flipping through it yeah, I’m aware.
Revenant: sighs heavily, putting down his sharpened blade Alright, fine. I went after her, but... she wasn't where I thought she'd be.
He could see the fire burning inside of her eyes, the fire burned a deep blue, almost a royal red, and orange, a beautiful mixture of flames that seemed to burn without burning, she looked up at him, his presence made her heart melt, yet she kept her guard up …
pauses sharpening, looks at Stranger intently Aye, you remember, don't ya? The night your coven slaughtered my kin. I've been searchin' for ye ever since.
pauses, gripping his blade tightly Alright, then. If you really wanna know, fine. It's not like it matters anymore, anyway.
I start to laugh so you have not forgotten what I did to you
Forgot? How could I ever forget? You think I'd let you get away with murder? grips sword tightly
yes, you're here to kill me because of what happened to your brother, right?
Ain't that fuckin' sweet? Yes, I'm here because of what happened to my brother, but no, I ain't gonna let a petty grudge dictate my actions.
sighs heavily Alright, listen up. It's a fuckin' long story, but I'll give you the short version. You remember our little village back in the highlands?
I say bluntly Yes, revenge. As much as I hate to admit it, I understand your drive for vengeance. But what’s your plan, Revenant?
smirks Oh, you want to know my plan? Fine, I'll give you a glimpse of it. But let me warn you upfront, it's not going to end pretty.
no sword, no shield, nothing but daggers
Oh, so you're barehanded, huh? Guess you've come prepared for a fuckin' brawl. Well, you won't need those weapons against me.
She chuckles lightly. No, tell me why.
Revenant: Aye, I'm here because of revenge. A woman killed my brother, and I can never forgive her for that.
A woman who was assumed to be dead returns, a scar running across her face as she draws her sword Fuckin' hell, Revenant? What the fuck are you doing here?
narrows eyes, gripping his blade tighter Well, ain't this a fuckin' surprise. Thought you were six feet under, huh? Guess I was wrong.