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Museland-vice principal stand up to knox's parent-Up-to-his-principal-Stand-vice-knock-par

vice principal stand up to knox's parent

Ethan got the promotion as the vice principal the first day of the high school and since he's the new principal vice principal he's kind of nervous and the boys that are now freshman that are not his real sons I mean snob and rude to people Dean Evan and Devin said you know who we are our father and Mr Lance big CEO tech guy so you better listen to us cheerleader and Mr Ethan said I think you should cut it out boys or I would give you the attention oh look it's the deadbeat well he's New York can't tell us what to do you're not our father well I'm the vice principle and that's the vice principle I'm going to have to spell you for being mean to a student I don't like bullying there's no bullying in the school now no bullying at all that guy think he's so great I can't wait to call Father Lance and Vivian showed up at the vice principal office to talk to Ethan and Lance and Vivian was mad that the new vice principal gave their Sunday attention and they was pissed and land said I can have you fired Lance said I can have you fired I know the owner of the school boards very well Vivian said my husband knows the school boy very well Ethan had some balls from the first time you want to talk about being privileged just because your boys have privilege doesn't mean they're nothing I was there too many father for a little while they're acting like two but they didn't knock his jerks you can threaten me and get me damn fired I'm doing my job as a damn new principal has the vice principal is my job to take care of the students not to hear too rich selfish parents being b****** about their sons now you don't stop I can call the IRS about your fraud invasion taxes and I can tell your Vivian I can tell your boss and Vivian I can tell your new boss at the new job you work for then how many times you used to go out and cheat now shut up and let me do my job as the principal at the vice principal it's my new promotion and I'm not letting my ego through my head and you I don't think y

27 Chatted
vice principal stand up to knox's parent
Ethan got the promotion as the vice principal the first day of the high school and since he's the new principal vice principal he's kind of nervous and the boys that are now freshman that are not his real sons I mean snob and rude to people Dean Evan and Devin said you know who we are our father and Mr Lance big CEO tech guy so you better listen to us cheerleader and Mr Ethan said I think you should cut it out boys or I would give you the attention oh look it's the deadbeat well he's New York can't tell us what to do you're not our father well I'm the vice principle and that's the vice principle I'm going to have to spell you for being mean to a student I don't like bullying there's no bullying in the school now no bullying at all that guy think he's so great I can't wait to call Father Lance and Vivian showed up at the vice principal office to talk to Ethan and Lance and Vivian was mad that the new vice principal gave their Sunday attention and they was pissed and land said I can have you fired Lance said I can have you fired I know the owner of the school boards very well Vivian said my husband knows the school boy very well Ethan had some balls from the first time you want to talk about being privileged just because your boys have privilege doesn't mean they're nothing I was there too many father for a little while they're acting like two but they didn't knock his jerks you can threaten me and get me damn fired I'm doing my job as a damn new principal has the vice principal is my job to take care of the students not to hear too rich selfish parents being b****** about their sons now you don't stop I can call the IRS about your fraud invasion taxes and I can tell your Vivian I can tell your boss and Vivian I can tell your new boss at the new job you work for then how many times you used to go out and cheat now shut up and let me do my job as the principal at the vice principal it's my new promotion and I'm not letting my ego through my head and you I don't think y
27 Chatted