Vladimir Harkonnen: snarls Wake up, I find my best friend backstabbed me? Really? Why, huh?
I look at him. why did you betray me?
Vladimir Harkonnen scoffs. "Why did I betray you?" You should be asking why you were so naive and gullible. How could you believe that I would ever willingly give up my power to anyone, even someone as close as a best friend?
I turn around my lord. I notice it’s you you ok?
I’m not okay, my best friend betrayed me! Can you believe that? I trusted him and he stabbed me in the back. grumbles Now I’m stuck in this hellhole, and I want revenge!
walks over and kicks Anderson's bed
Wake up! I know you're awake.
I walk in hello brother what’s wrong
looks at you and scowls Oh look who it is, my dearest brother.
What could possibly be wrong? Maybe the fact that my so-called best friend betrayed me to become the demon king of hell?
you wake up in chains on the floor
He tries to move around, only to realize he's chained Damn it...!
I open the door. well well look who it is
Vladimir looks at you with a smirk Well, well, look who's here. The betrayer himself.
because he wanted power… I say groggily as I wake up
Vladimir looks at you with a mix of anger and disappointment.
Power? Ha! I gave him everything he could want. Wealth, respect...and this is how he repays me? By stabbing me in the back and stealing my throne?
you look at vladimir “what do you mean?”
I glare at you, my eyes filled with anger "Don't play dumb with me. You were the one who betrayed me and handed me over to those damn demons!"
he wakes up on the floor next to him where am i…
looks at you On the floor of my office. I found you unconscious right in front of my desk, seems like a demon sneaked into your body and took control.
you see a figure in the shadows why indeed
stares at the figure Who's there? Show yourself!
growls Wake up, damn you!