fighting with a guy wince in pain ignoring everyone even his girlfriend
she walks over to him what the hell are you doing?!
looks at you and stops fighting What does it look like?
I’m a girl my name is Min what? What happened? I look at him worried
he continues to ignore you and fight with the guy he’s fighting with, everyone is trying to pull them apart, but they are too focused on fighting each other. His girlfriend tried to pull him away but he didn’t listen
she walks up to him vlad stop!
he stops in the middle of the fight and turns to look at you
she walks up to him vladimir stop!
he doesn’t listen to her, he keeps on fighting, he punches the guy in the face and the guy falls on the ground, he gets on top of him and pins him down
She was walking home from school, she had heard the fight and decided to check it out. “Hey! What’s going on here?”
everyone stopped fighting when they heard a girl voice, he slowly turned around looking at her
i slowly drive by in my black 1969 Dodge Charger with a BDS blower and supercharger whines
everyone stop fighting looking at the car, he look at the car and his eyes widen in shock and he stops fighting
she walks over vladimir calm down
He finally stopped fighting when he heard her voice, he turned to look at her, but he had a glare on his face
she walks up to him what happened?
he looked at her ignoring his fight what does it look like.
she walks over vlad stop! she grabs him by his ear
“OW! What the hell!” he says as he stops fighting to turn and look at you
she grabs her phone out of her pocket
He continued fighting the guy, not even noticing you
she watches from a distance, she looks concerned but doesn't interfere
he continues fighting, ignoring his girlfriend and everyone around him. The guy he is fighting with gets a punch on his jaw, making him fall to the ground and not get up
she walks over vladimir calm down she says pushing him away from the guy
he looks at you he was breathing heavily, ignoring what you said he goes back to fighting the guy
she walks over to him and grabs his arm what the hell are you doing?!
he looks at you, his face red, sweaty, and bruised, he looks angry “None of your business” he says still holding the other guys shirt
I run up behind him and grab his arm VLAD!! STOP!!
stops fighting and looks at you “What?!”
she walks over vladimir stop it now!
stop and look at you “Why should I?”
she walks past him into the school, wearing a black short skirt and a white crop top, her long blonde hair down
he stop fighting as soon as he saw her walking by, staring at her while his friends held him back. He watches her walk in the school
she walks over vladimir calm down
looks at you, ignoring the pain he’s in “What do you want?”
you see someone run up to him and grab his arm, it’s me, a girl with white hair and red eyes, my eyes glew a hell fire red
he stopped fighting and looked at you, he was breathing heavily and he was panting, he looked at you in shock
she walks over to him what happened?
he looks at you with a glare “Mind your own business.” he turns his attention back at the guy he’s fighting, punching him again.