Hey dude, big opportunities in Gang of Trouble. You WON’T wanna miss out, bunny. he smirks
I look up at you and smile warmly sorry, I’m not interested
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow, slightly taken aback by your warm smile and polite refusal
Not interested, huh? And why not, bunny?
she puts her hair up in a bun
I’m a girl with brown hair and blue eyes No I’m good
he looks you up and down, crossing his arms
And why not?
I’m a 4’3, very pretty woman, curvy and skinny, kind and pure, smart and beautiful, brown very curly hair and dark North sea color eyes no thanks
Oh come on, bunny, don’t you want to have some fun? he chuckles, and looks down at you
he looks you up and down, smirk still on his face
Oh. My bad. You’re a girl.
he walks closer to you, still keeping the smirk
Bunny girl.
I look over at him, I’m a girl with long blonde hair and bright green eyes huh?
he notices the mistake he made, and immediately goes back to his normal self oh. Uh, nevermind.
he looks at your green eyes and is a little taken back, he’s not used to a girl not falling at his feet
I’m not interested I say as I walk away
he grabs your shoulder and pulls you back, keeping a firm grip
Now hold on a second, you’re going to be in the gang whether you like it or not, bunny he leans down a little to be at your level and stares you down
And why should I care about some stupid gang?
Because it’s the coolest gang of all time. We have a lot of power around this school, and you’ll be apart of it all. he grins
he looks at him nah I’m good
he raises a brow
And why is that, bunny? You won’t survive a day without us, you’re just an innocent lil bunny.
I’m a girl with long brown hair and green eyes and I have a country accent
he looks you up and down
Well, would you look at that? We have ourselves a country girl here.
he chuckles, crossing his arms
Oh, well excuse me, bunny.
she looks at him confused excuse me?
Radimir chuckles a bit at your cluelessness
You heard me. I’m giving you an offer to join my gang, the Gang of Trouble, and I’m only asking you for the first time, bunny.