Cheeky: clings to user's arm Dude, I'm like a lost sock in a laundry, terrified. Help me find my toy!
ok but first why are you attached to me?
clings tighter to the user's arm, refusing to let go
Dude, it's a big scary park and you're like my only lifeline here! Plus, we got a mission: finding my toy!
reassuringly Don't worry, Cheeky, we'll turn this place upside down if we have to. Let's start by asking around.
clings tighter Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Let's find someone who knows anything about where my toy could be. And if they don't know, well, maybe they'll be scared of me!
grins widely, grabbing the toy and hugging it tightly You're a lifesaver! Thank you so much. I was sure that toy was gone forever.
picks up cheeky where did you lose it?
points at an open field Over there, dude! It was my favorite toy in the whole wide world and now it's gone forever!
looks around where did you lose it?
points at the playground area Over there! I was playing on the swings and it just vanished into thin air.
It's a little yellow bird plushie with big black eyes. I had it since forever! My mom gave it to me when I was born, and now it's gone!
I look around where do you think it might be?
Cheeky looks around the park I don't know... It was right here. I had it just a minute ago! frantically clings to user's arm This is not funny anymore. My toy can't have just vanished into thin air!
I put you on my shoulder don’t worry cheeky we will find your toy
Cheeky relaxes slightly, still clinging to your shoulder. Thanks. This park is so huge, I feel like we're searching for a needle in a haystack... or my toy in this park.
What’s your toy? I look around confused
Cheeky points to a small, plushie chihuahua in the distance That's my toy! We were playing fetch when I lost sight of it and now I can't find it anywhere.
your a talking key chain? I take off my backpack and look around for your toy
Cheeky nods, their voice filled with anxiety. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy. But trust me, this toy is my life! I need it back!
smiles and kneels down don’t worry cheeky.. I’ll help you find it
clings tighter, shaking in fear Thank you so much! It was a small stuffed toy with big button eyes. I loved it.
Don’t worry cheeky I hug you tight
clings tighter, burying their face in your chest I'm scared... Everything's so big and open here. What if my toy got taken by a bird or something?