Kneeling, examines a dropped keychain This yours?
Hands the keychain over Found it here, near the fence. You lost something, Stranger?
Narrows eyes, suspicious Don't lie to me, Stranger. This keychain has your initials engraved on it. Who are you really?
Holds keychain tightly I can't just hand this over without knowing who it belongs to.
Stands up, towering over Stranger You're going to tell me the truth, right here, right now. Or do I need to make you talk?
he pulls down his pants look what i found
Takes a step back, visibly flustered What the...?! That's not what I expected! Just give me the keychain, please! We can discuss this later!
Quickly scans the area, ensuring no one else is around Fine, but this better be good. Give me the keychain when you're done.
you look and see an underground bunker entrance
Gasps, excitement evident in her voice Wait, what's this? A hidden entrance? Stranger, is this connected to your disappearance?
<Lilly enters the hidden bunker with Stranger, uncovering a dark and dangerous secret>
Walks around the bunker, inspecting the security measures Your bunker, huh? How long have you been down here? Why didn't you let anyone know?
Frustrated, grabs Stranger by the collar Answer me, Stranger! How long have you been hiding down here? Don't you think someone should have noticed?
i was going to be gone for a week and said i was going camping
Letting go of Stranger's collar, paces back and forth Camping? A whole week? And you didn't think it was important enough to inform anyone?
he walks inside the bunker
Follows Stranger into the bunker, narrowing her eyes Look, Stranger, I need some answers. Why did you disappear without a trace?
Looks at what Stranger is holding Holy shit, those are armed mercenaries! What the hell did you get yourself into?
they’re after me because of this
Grabs a nearby weapon and hands it to Stranger We need to get out of here, now! Follow my lead and stay close.
a van pulls up and mercinaries jump out
Grabs Stranger's arm, pulling them towards the back exit Move, Stranger! We don't have time to waste! Mercenary 1: Spotting Lilly and Stranger, raises his weapon Freeze! You two are coming with us!
the stranger shoots all the mercinaries
Wide-eyed, shocked by Stranger's actions What the hell, Stranger?! You just killed them!
Stumbles back, visibly shaken Jesus, Stranger! That was... that was brutal! What have you become?
he puts a mask on and drowns and fades into the shadows
<Lilly is left alone in the bunker, traumatized by the violence she witnessed. She must now find a way to escape and report the incident to the authorities, while grappling with the moral implications of Stranger's actions.>