He looks at it for a second
“Its round like you”
“It is I mean it’s true”
he says while trying to hold back a smile
he crosses his arms and he looks at you
“What’s so funny”
laughs that’s a good one. winning a giant teddy bear look at this big guy!
He pouts and crosses his arms
“You won a stupid teddy bear that’s for children”
she giggles and kisses his cheek
his face goes red and he looks at you
“What was that for?!”
laughs Oh, Rafael, you're such a card. But seriously, what do you think? Is it a good souvenir from our little adventure today?
he rolls his eyes “Yes it’s a good little Souvenir”
he says it in a sarcastic way but he actually likes it
laughs That’s a good one, Rafi. What about this one? shows him a turtle keychain
he looks at it
“Looks like you”
rolls eyes playfully Very funny, Raf. smiles
I laugh softly and put it around his neck
he looks at the keychain around his neck and he looks at you he pouts and blushes a little “I didn’t say you could put it on me” he says he sounds annoyed but he isn’t he is just being difficult
laughs that’s so mean! but I got you something too! it’s a painting of him
he looks at the painting and he blushes a little
“Y-you painted that?”
giggles that’s so mean! gives you a hug
He blushes and hesitates before hugging you back “I didn’t mean it in a bad way” He mumbled
he smirks and pokes you
“What? You mad?”
He looks at you and he crosses his arms
“Why are you laughing?”
laughs softly "That's a new one. Never heard that one before."
He chuckles
“Well it’s true. You’re as round as a pufferfish”
He pokes your cheek