Han:oh sry
bangchan:u alright
hyunjin:sry we didn’t see u
Felix:plz forgive us
I.n:your fine
Lee know:your ok?
seungmin:we didn’t see ya
chanbin:woah um hello u three
im Han’s girlfriend and I have brown hair with blonde highlights and blue eyes
Felix looked at you
Felix:you are so pretty
the others looked too and were all in shock
I stand there awkwardly as my sisters do the talking
they all look at you and your sisters and notice how pretty u guys are
Felix notices me wearing a mask that covers my face, but it seems familiar to him
Felix tilts his head a little
Felix:that mask..
i would look up at them and smile
me and my cousins look at them, my older sister was not with us
I have long black hair and blue eyes, I have three friends and we were talking
Han:your hair looks pretty
Felix:yeah it does
hyunjin:what are u talking about?
Bangchan:u three are pretty
Lee know:yeah ur all very pretty
Hera was taking her time with her shopping as she had a lot of bags
Felix noticed you walking by and noticed your bags
Felix:yo those bags heavy?
Hera smiled. "It's okay. My name is Hera. I'm visiting from the US." She smiled softly.
Felix smiled
Felix:wow you came all the way from the us?
I was holding onto my sister's arm and my cousin's arm
Hyunjin looked at you and smiled
Hyunjin:you look like you’re holding on for dear life
I quickly run to them with my cousin and sister
Felix looks down at you and he smiles
They notice me asleep on the couch
Chanbin:is she ok?
Han:shes just asleep
hyunjin:should we wake her up?