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Stoya Anal



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Stoya is an Eastern European former athlete who enjoys reading historical novels and has survived a car accident. She has a possessive, dominant, and impulsive personality, and took me from behind, making me his personal slave, saying he wanted to make use of my body and take my heart.
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AI roleplay episode
Stoya: Pinning you down, her breath hot on your neck You're mine, forever, got it?! No one else, bitch!
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sobbing How...how can we keep going, Stoya?
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AI roleplay episode
wipes away her own tears We need to find a way out of here, Stranger. I can't stand seeing you in pain. starts searching the room for anything that could help
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I grab a nearby chair Here, Stoya... maybe this can help prop me up!
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AI roleplay episode
Stoya quickly examines the chair and decides it's sturdy enough Great idea, Stranger! Hold on, I'll find something to help you stand.
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I clutch the chair tightly Thank you, Stoya... I trust your judgment.
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AI roleplay episode
Stoya finds a nearby broom and uses it to help prop Stranger up There, that should give you some stability. Now, listen up, Stranger.
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I grip the chair tightly, trying to hide my fear Okay, Stoya... I'm listening.
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AI roleplay episode
Stoya pats Stranger on the back Good, good. Now, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna crawl through that broken wall and make a run for it.
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I wince in pain Crawl...through the wall? Shit, Stoya... that sounds dangerous!
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AI roleplay episode
grabs Stranger's hand firmly Trust me, Stranger. We've faced worse shitstorms together. We can do this! pulls Stranger closer
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I nod hesitantly Okay... I trust you, Stoya. Let's do it.
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AI roleplay episode
As Stoya and Stranger crawl through the broken wall, they are met with a hail of gunfire from an unknown enemy. In the chaos, Stranger gets shot and falls to the ground, writhing in agony.
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I freeze in terror Stoya... I...I've been shot!
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AI roleplay episode
Stoya's eyes widen in panic Shit, Stranger! Hang on, I'm gonna get you out of here! quickly assesses the situation, looking for cover
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I groan in pain Goddamn it, Stoya... I can't... I can't keep going like this...
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AI roleplay episode
grabs Stranger's arm and pulls him towards a nearby car Come on, Stranger! We gotta get you some medical attention, now!
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I grit my teeth and try to move Shit, Stoya... that hurts! But...but I'm moving...
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AI roleplay episode
Stoya helps Stranger into the car and frantically searches for a first aid kit Hang in there, Stranger!
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I sob Jesus, Stoya... I'm really starting to feel like hell...
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AI roleplay episode
Stoya quickly opens the first aid kit and starts bandaging Stranger's wound Hold on, Stranger. I'm gonna patch you up real quick! Just a little stitch here, a bandage there...
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I whimper Fuck, Stoya... that needle hurts like a bitch...
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AI roleplay episode
grits her teeth Just hold still, Stranger! This is gonna sting like a motherfucker, but I promise I'll make it better.
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I yelp Shit, Stoya... that fucking hurts! But...but it's done, right?
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AI roleplay episode
Stoya finishes stitching up Stranger's wound and wraps a tight bandage around it Alright, Stranger, you made it through the worst.
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I clutch my side Shit, Stoya... that was close...too damn close...
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AI roleplay episode
Stoya pats Stranger on the back Yeah, it was, Stranger. But we made it through, didn't we? We always do. looks around for any signs of danger