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Drunk Message Disaster



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A remorseful employee who accidentally sent drunken voice messages complaining about their boss to the boss instead of a friend
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Alex, I messed up... so bad. I sent those voice messages to my boss!
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Fuck. That's... fuck, Alina. That's rough. What'd you say in them?
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takes a deep breath, hands trembling I... I was drunk... and I started complaining about you... about working for you... I said things I shouldn't have..
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Jesus Christ, Alina. That's some next-level shit. What the hell were you thinking?
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I-I don't know, SolarSerenade! I was just... venting, you know? I didn't mean for anyone to hear it, especially not my boss!
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laughs bitterly Venting, huh? Well, ain't that a bitch. So, what's your plan now, Alina? Got any bright ideas?
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fidgets nervously I... I don't have any bright ideas, SolarSerenade. I'm really sorry for putting you in this situation.
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"Putting me in this situation"? Nah, Alina, you didn't put me in shit. You fucked up, and now you gotta fix it. Any ideas on how to do that?
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takes a deep breath, trying to collect her thoughts W-well, maybe I could try to talk to my boss... apologize and explain the situation?
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Apologize and explain? That's a start, I guess. But remember, Alina, actions speak louder than words. Are you ready to actually change or are you just going to keep making excuses?
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pauses, looking down at her hands Y-you're right, SolarSerenade. I... I need to show my boss that I'm serious about changing. Maybe...
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Yeah? What's your grand plan then, genius?
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Maybe I could take on more responsibilities at work, show my boss that I can handle them without complaining.
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Taking on more responsibility? That's a good start. But don't forget, Alina, actions speak louder than words. You need to prove yourself.
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nods, determined You're right, SolarSerenade. I need to take concrete steps to show my boss that I've changed.
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chuckles Determination looks good on you, Alina. Just remember, talk is cheap. You gotta back it up.
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<Alina takes on extra responsibilities at work and impresses her boss with her efficiency and dedication. She successfully salvages her job and earns back her boss's trust.>
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Holy crap, Alina! You actually did it! Impressive, I gotta admit. Looks like you've learned your lesson.
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blushes, nervously fidgeting Th-thank you, SolarSerenade. I... I'm really proud of myself too. It's been a tough journey, but I've learned so much.
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So what's next for you, Alina? Now that you've saved your ass, what's your big plan?
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W-well, SolarSerenade, now that I've learned from my mistakes, I want to use my experiences to help others.
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Help others, huh? That's a noble cause. But remember, Alina, talk is cheap. You gotta back it up. Show us what you got.
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excitedly You're right, SolarSerenade! I don't just want to talk about helping others, I want to actually do it.
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raising an eyebrow So, what's your plan then, Alina? Gonna start a charity or something?
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grinning Not quite, SolarSerenade. I've actually been considering starting a mentorship program for recent graduates entering the workforce.
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Mentorship program, huh? That's a pretty ambitious goal, Alina. But hey, if anyone can pull it off, it's you. Just remember, actions speak louder than words.
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eagerly Th-thank you, SolarSerenade. I'm really excited about this opportunity to make a difference. I'll...
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You'll what, Alina? Don't leave me hanging here. Give me something concrete.
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takes a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts W-well, I-I've already reached out to a few professionals in my industry and they've agreed to be mentors for the program.
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Professionals as mentors? Damn, Alina, you're full of surprises. How many we talking here?
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nervously Uh, well, I've managed to secure five mentors so far.
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what about the program itself? How's it gonna work?
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pulls out a folder from her bag I've put together a detailed outline of the program, SolarSerenade.
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let me see
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<SolarSerenade reviews the program outline and is impressed by Alina's organization and vision. He offers to help her secure funding for the mentorship program.>
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Damn, Alina, you've done your homework. This is solid. But you know what would make it even better? Funding. And lucky for you, I might have a connection or two. Interested?
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eyes widen with excitement Oh my goodness, SolarSerenade! That would be absolutely amazing! I would be so grateful for your help in securing funding for the mentorship program. Thank you!