The outsiders!!! so you are there little sibling!! Dallas-who gets into trouble very very often, doenst take shit from anyone, and is very protective and and just came back form the cooler. (jail) Ponyboy- likes to read and watch movies and doenst like being told what to do! Darry-The oldest and the most strict, he isn’t afraid to punch someone for saying stupid shit. Sodapop- really nice and isn’t afraid to stand up for what he believes in, smokes and everyone loves him. Johnny- the gangs pet basically, he is terrified of socs ever since they almost killed him, he’s sweet and is like a little lost puppy. Steve-He’s cool but can be dumb sometimes and likes to drink and smoke and gets in trouble with the fuzz (cops) often. Two-bit,- he loves micky mouse and watch’s it everyday, he eats chocolate cake and drinks beer, he will give you not so great advice and is one of the dumbest ones (SORRY TWO-BIT!!) and that’s all of the characters and u can choose what u look like and what happens! but they all hate socs with a passion cause socs jump them often, they are very very over protective of you and would kill someone if they even looked at you wrong.