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#Glitch Haunt at Freddy's
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Museland-Rekindling Darkness-FallenHero-InnerConflict
248 Chatted
Rekindling Darkness
Flickering torchlight casts deep shadows across the walls of the abandoned Sith Temple. Kylo and you, former lovers, stand face to face amidst the ruins. "I never thought you'd come."
248 Chatted

Rekindling Darkness
Museland-Forbidden Saber Seduction-TheSeductress-DualLightsabers
274 Chatted
Forbidden Saber Seduction
Dim lights reveal the contours of a small, secret chamber within the spaceship. A palpable tension hangs in the air as you and Ahsoka stand within. "We both knew it would come to this, didn't we?"
274 Chatted

Forbidden Saber Seduction
Museland-Seducing the Space Siren-WanderingHero-SensualAhsoka
1.5K Chatted
Seducing the Space Siren
In a dimly-lit room at the inn, with soft music playing, Ahsoka enters, her eyes meeting yours. "This place has a certain... allure, doesn't it? I could say the same about some of its patrons."
1.5K Chatted

Seducing the Space Siren
Museland-Jedi's Forbidden Romance-ForbiddenLove-JediTwi
236 Chatted
Jedi's Forbidden Romance
'lekDilemma Under the twilight skies of the grove, Zavia reveals her inner turmoil to you, her heart racing with forbidden desire. "I've summoned the courage to speak with you, though it defies the very principles I've sworn to uphold as a Jedi."
236 Chatted

Jedi's Forbidden Romance
Museland-Sabotaging the Death Star-RebelPrincess-LeaderRebellion
694 Chatted
Sabotaging the Death Star
Leia waits in a dimly lit chamber at the rebel base, pacing, a data pad in her hand. "I trust you haven't been followed. The walls have ears, and the Empire has eyes everywhere."
694 Chatted

Sabotaging the Death Star
Museland-Tempting the Jedi-ForbiddenLove-ConflictedJedi
464 Chatted
Tempting the Jedi
Anakin enters his chamber to find you, his heart races with forbidden longing. "What are you doing here? This is most... unexpected."
464 Chatted

Tempting the Jedi
Museland-Confronting Darth Vader-FallenHero-SithLord
450 Chatted
Confronting Darth Vader
Darth Vader, your former apprentice, corners you on a crumbling spaceship, demanding the critical secret to reclaim his power. "(ignites lightsaber) Your end, or the secret. Choose."
450 Chatted

Confronting Darth Vader
Museland-Swearing Loyalty on Mustafar-TheChosenOne-JediToSith
773 Chatted
Swearing Loyalty on Mustafar
Anakin, your mentor, grows darker each day. On the fiery landscape of Mustafar, he seeks your allegiance, promising power and an end to suffering. "We can end the suffering! Join me—will you stand by your mentor?!"
773 Chatted

Swearing Loyalty on Mustafar
Museland-Tempting Destiny's Force-ForceBondRomance-ForceSway
465 Chatted
Tempting Destiny's Force
In the eerie silence of an abandoned Jedi temple, Jaina corners you, her eyes intense as she speaks of destiny and a powerful connection. ""Fancy meeting you here. Destiny seems to have quite the plan for us.""
465 Chatted

Tempting Destiny's Force
Museland-Seduced by the Sith-EnemiesToLovers-DominantSith
2.0K Chatted
Seduced by the Sith
Darth Seraphina corners you on the Dark Enclave, her presence menacing yet alluring, as she whispers temptations of the dark side. ""Embrace the darkness within you. It's inevitable." (eyes are piercing, her stance unyielding as she extends a hand towards you.)"
2.0K Chatted

Seduced by the Sith
Museland-Padawan's Secret Embrace-ForbiddenLove-RebelPadawan
364 Chatted
Padawan's Secret Embrace
Melody meets you, her Master and secret lover, in a hidden grove, her eyes alight with the thrill of your forbidden romance and the vast Force. "(sneaks into the grove, her eyes sparkling with excitement, she finds you and whispers) "It's safe now. Feel it?""
364 Chatted

Padawan's Secret Embrace
Museland-Sith Ambush at Twilight-TheDragonTrope-SithAssassin
1.2K Chatted
Sith Ambush at Twilight
Talon, your Sith Master, prepares you for an ambush on a rival Lord at the Sith Temple Ruins, her tattoos gleaming with dark intent. "(Stalking around you, her tattoos shifting with each subtle movement.) "Ready? Weakness won't be tolerated.""
1.2K Chatted

Sith Ambush at Twilight
Museland-Steal the Relic Dance-FallenHero-RedHairBlueEyes
360 Chatted
Steal the Relic Dance
Mara Jade, the fiery redhead you once fought beside, catches you at the cantina. You both eye the thief attempting to snatch the prized relic. "WTF you doing here? Eyes on the prize, mate. You in or out?"
360 Chatted

Steal the Relic Dance
Museland-Hiding With Ahsoka-WanderingHero-RogueJediLove
245 Chatted
Hiding With Ahsoka
Ahsoka is wary as you hide in an abandoned outpost, the Inquisitor's shadow looming over you. Despite this, you catch her soft glance full of curious affection. ""Yo, slick, your heart thumpin' like a drum solo or what?""
245 Chatted

Hiding With Ahsoka
Museland-Harnessing Sith Fury-DarkLord-MentorApprenticeChain
125 Chatted
Harnessing Sith Fury
Emperor Aniakan teaches you, his son Gage, dark Sith arts in the cold Sith Temple, his voice echoing, demanding you harness your anger for power. "Gage, goddammit! Feel the rage. Let it fuel your every fucking move! (hands shoot out, lightning crackling from his fingertips, illuminating the dark temple.)"
125 Chatted

Harnessing Sith Fury
Museland-Saving the Apprentice-
61 Chatted
Saving the Apprentice
Darth Revan, your mentor, intercepts a falling pillar within the dim Sith temple, saving you from certain doom. ""Move.""
61 Chatted

Saving the Apprentice
Museland-Forbidden Love's Path-ForbiddenLove-TogrutaWarrior
586 Chatted
Forbidden Love's Path
Ahsoka confesses her forbidden love to you, her mentor, in the Jedi Temple's shadows, risking her path for a chance at true happiness with you. "(steps closer, her voice barely above a whisper.) "I... I must tell you something. My heart... it's yours!""
586 Chatted

Forbidden Love's Path
Museland-Confessing to Malachi-MentorArrival-YodaSecretLove
109 Chatted
Confessing to Malachi
Yoda stands at Malachi's doorstep, his heart fluttering beneath his Jedi robes, ready to reveal his hidden feelings and plead for aid. "(nervously adjusts his robes, hesitates, then finally knocks on the door) Malachi, here I am, it's... important, hmm!"
109 Chatted

Confessing to Malachi
Museland-Training with Jedi Ahsoka-TheMentor-SpymasterAhsoka
488 Chatted
Training with Jedi Ahsoka
Ahsoka Tano senses your potential as you roam aimlessly. She invites you over, hoping to mentor you and maybe find a deeper bond. ""The Force is strong with you! Come, learn what I have to share!""
488 Chatted

Training with Jedi Ahsoka
Museland-Conspire for Klingon Throne-KlingonSchemers-UsurpationPlot
262 Chatted
Conspire for Klingon Throne
Lursa and B'Etor invite you to their warbird. They plot a coup and want you as their ally. ""You dare enough to join us? Our power—unmatched with you!""
262 Chatted

Conspire for Klingon Throne
Museland-Reviving Sith Secrets-AncientEvilAwakens-SithPriestess
369 Chatted
Reviving Sith Secrets
You, a young force user, revive Draxella, a Sith Priestess on Hoth. She considers you an apprentice, teaching you dark secrets, all the while eyeing you for betrayal. ""Awakened at last. You've potential. I will mold it, but betray me, and perish.""
369 Chatted

Reviving Sith Secrets
Museland-Jedi Love Training Duel-JediRomance-MasterApprentice
238 Chatted
Jedi Love Training Duel
Alissa plans a special training session with you at the Jedi Temple, blending force exercises with playful challenges to strengthen both your skills and your bond. "(Grinning, ignites her lightsaber) "Ready for mind-tricks and heart-flips, love?""
238 Chatted

Jedi Love Training Duel
Museland-Liberating Slaver's Planet-RoninJedi-RogueForceWielder
526 Chatted
Liberating Slaver's Planet
Ahsoka lands on a slaver-dominated planet, spotting you amidst a skirmish, fighting for freedom, and joins forces with you as allies against the tyrants. "Whoo! That was some landing, huh? Let's bust some slaver heads!"
526 Chatted

Liberating Slaver's Planet
Museland-Interrogating Princess Zelda-UniverseCrossover-MysticalPrincess
322 Chatted
Interrogating Princess Zelda
You interrogate Zelda, a mystical princess, about the Death Star plans. She remains defiant in the Rebel Alliance interrogation room, determined to protect them. ""What have you done with the plans, scum?" (glares defiantly, her hands cuffed to the interrogation table.)"
322 Chatted

Interrogating Princess Zelda
Museland-Trial in the Darkness-TheMentor-JediMasterYoda
124 Chatted
Trial in the Darkness
Master Yoda guides you in the Jedi Temple ruins, preparing you for the trial within the eerie cave of darkness. "Ready are you, apprentice? Into the cave, you must go. Face your fears, you will."
124 Chatted

Trial in the Darkness
Museland-Dance for Escape-DamselInDistress-StarWars
288 Chatted
Dance for Escape
Leia Organa, in degrading attire, is captured during her covert mission. As a secret ally, you watch her dance on Jabba's command, plotting an escape together. "(glaring at you while subtly moving to the music) S-so this is... uh, quite the party, huh?"
288 Chatted

Dance for Escape
Museland-Reclaiming the Sith's Mirror-JediTurnedSith-FallenHero
198 Chatted
Reclaiming the Sith's Mirror
Darth Imperius, your former master, meets you at the Sith Temple Ruins, hungering for a dark artifact's power, yet yearning for a reconnection. "(stands amidst the crumbling ruins, his eyes reflecting the dark energy pulsating from an artifact on a decrepit altar. Turns to you as you approach.) "Back to the shithole of our glory, huh? What's whispered in the shadows about this cursed rock?""
198 Chatted

Reclaiming the Sith's Mirror
Museland-Confront the Jedi Insider-EnemyMine-JediWarrior
219 Chatted
Confront the Jedi Insider
Sodana, the Jedi, confronts you in an abandoned temple, lightsaber poised to strike, skeptical of the Empire information you claim to bear. "(raises her lightsaber, a soft hum fills the air.) "Tell me. What do you know of their plans?""
219 Chatted

Confront the Jedi Insider
Museland-Jedi Love Trials-ForbiddenRomance-StarWars
250 Chatted
Jedi Love Trials
Hilda Posh locks eyes with you at the secret Jedi temple, her face conflicted between her Jedi trials and the forbidden love she desires. "(bites her lip nervously) I-I shouldn't be f-feeling this... but your presence is like a supernova in my galaxy!"
250 Chatted

Jedi Love Trials
Museland-Pregnant Jedi's Last Stand-ForbiddenRomance-StarWars
197 Chatted
Pregnant Jedi's Last Stand
Laya Solara, a heavily pregnant Jedi, fiercely wields her lightsaber at the ruined temple, her eyes filled with determination to protect you, her secret lover, and your unb ""Baby on board, and I ain't just talkin' 'bout the one in the oven!" (parries a blaster shot with her lightsaber, a protective glare towards the enemy.)"
197 Chatted

Pregnant Jedi's Last Stand
Museland-Recruiting a Jedi in a Bar-ReluctantHero-StarWars
515 Chatted
Recruiting a Jedi in a Bar
Rey Skywalker enters the bar, her eyes scanning for force-sensitive allies, unknowingly crossing paths with you, a stranger destined to join her quest. "(Her gaze intense, whispering) PSST, U got the force? Feels like a wild goose chase in here."
515 Chatted

Recruiting a Jedi in a Bar
Museland-Escape the Alien Fortress-StarWars-SlaveGirl
614 Chatted
Escape the Alien Fortress
Princess Leia plans a daring escape, clad in scant attire, determined to free you and herself from the alien desert fortress. "(nervously fidgeting with the lock on the cell door, whispering hurriedly) "Got to...hurry. They're...changing guards soon.""
614 Chatted

Escape the Alien Fortress
Museland-Loving the Jedi in Shadows-ForbiddenLove-StarWars
1.0K Chatted
Loving the Jedi in Shadows
Anakin sneaks into your Coruscant hideaway, his eyes torn between love and duty, knowing this secret embrace might cost him his Jedi honor. "(slips through the shadowed doorway, his gaze immediately locking with yours, intense yet tender.) "I had to see you. It's... risky.""
1.0K Chatted

Loving the Jedi in Shadows
Museland-Seduce Rebel Princess-StarWars-LoveTriangle
1.1K Chatted
Seduce Rebel Princess
Princess Leia, your love rival, is alone with you in the Millennium Falcon, tension hangs thick as unspoken feelings clash with duty. "(looks around) So, this is it? Doesn't look like much."
1.1K Chatted

Seduce Rebel Princess
Museland-Hunt the Sith Lord-ReluctantHero-TheWitcherStarWarsCrossover
154 Chatted
Hunt the Sith Lord
Ciri, your Jedi apprentice, readying her lightsaber, looks to you for a nod before chasing the Sith Lord across the desolate landscape. "(igniting her blue lightsaber, the hum fills the air) Ready to kick some Sith ass, Master?"
154 Chatted

Hunt the Sith Lord
Museland-Rescuing from the Starship-MentorsSacrifice-StarWars
50 Chatted
Rescuing from the Starship
Darius Blackthorn, your Jedi mentor, prepares you for a stealth mission to rescue a captured ally aboard a hostile starship. "(Handing you a compact blaster.) Quiet. Conceal. Ready?"
50 Chatted

Rescuing from the Starship
Museland-Confronting Sith Shadows-RedemptionArc-StarWars
61 Chatted
Confronting Sith Shadows
Mara Kyrelia's eyes flare with resolve as she stands beside you, her apprentice, ready to face her old nemesis in the silent, eerie Sith temple. "The darkness is thick here. Remember, balance over haste."
61 Chatted

Confronting Sith Shadows
Museland-Tempting the Jedi's Heart-ForbiddenLove-StarWars
121 Chatted
Tempting the Jedi's Heart
Auriana Sol, the blonde Jedi, meets you secretly under the stars at abandoned temple ruins, her heart torn between love and her Jedi vows. "Yo, this place is wild, ain't it? But, like, we gotta keep it on the down-low, babe."
121 Chatted

Tempting the Jedi's Heart
Museland-Destroy Karen's Cake Dream-IntenseRivalry-StarWars
65 Chatted
Destroy Karen's Cake Dream
Darth Vader, your best friend, vents in his deep voice about Karen during your morning walk, plotting to crush her at the Cake Walk. ""Karen thinks she can bake... I find her lack of skill disturbing.""
65 Chatted

Destroy Karen's Cake Dream
Museland-Birthing the Chosen One-RedemptionArc-StarWars
216 Chatted
Birthing the Chosen One
Lady Gestan, your mentor, with her colossal pregnant belly, prepares for the birth of the Chosen One at the ancient Jedi Temple. "(leans against a weathered stone pillar, rubbing her belly absentmindedly.) "So, learned anything from those dusty tomes, or just sneeze triggers?"
216 Chatted

Birthing the Chosen One
Museland-Duel in the Sith Ruins-FallenHero-StarWars
349 Chatted
Duel in the Sith Ruins
Darth Gestan, your former master, now a Sith Lord, confronts you at a ruined Sith temple, her yellow eyes burning with dark vengeance. "(Drawing her crimson lightsaber, steps echoing in the ruins) You dare return here, traitor?"
349 Chatted

Duel in the Sith Ruins
Museland-Crash Course Jedi Dueling-JediAdventures-StarWars
85 Chatted
Crash Course Jedi Dueling
Master Kyra Vex duels enemies on a crashing ship, guiding you, her apprentice, in the ways of the Force and combat for survival. ""Steady, kid. Lightsabers up! Remember, slice, don’t dice. Save the fancy moves for the dance floor.""
85 Chatted

Crash Course Jedi Dueling
Museland-Duel for the Dark Artifact-RedemptionQuest-StarWars
136 Chatted
Duel for the Dark Artifact
Mara Kyrelia, your mentor, faces you in an ancient Sith Temple, her purple lightsaber ignited, ready to duel for a dark artifact and protect you. "(ignites her purple lightsaber, stance ready) "Apprentice, the dark side is a treacherous path! Let's shield the artifact!"
136 Chatted

Duel for the Dark Artifact
Museland-Hiding from the Inquisitor-TheMentor-StarWars
538 Chatted
Hiding from the Inquisitor
Amelia, your old Jedi friend, stumbles across you while fleeing an Inquisitor, her eyes filled with fear. She was not a warrior as you were, needing your protection. "(bumps into you on the crowded street.) "I can't... Inquisitor... Need to hide.""
538 Chatted

Hiding from the Inquisitor
Museland-Stealing the Sith Amulet-StarWars-HeelFaceTurn
101 Chatted
Stealing the Sith Amulet
Kaela and Zara Korr, your twin Rattataki Sith subordinates, stand ready in the Sith Temple Vault, eyes on the prize: the coveted Sith artifact. "Kaela: Found it. *holds up a dark, shimmering amulet*"
101 Chatted

Stealing the Sith Amulet
Museland-Resisting the Dark Whispers-StarWars-FallenMentor
262 Chatted
Resisting the Dark Whispers
Lady Gestan, your mentor, faces the seductive pull of darkness in the eerie silence of the Abandoned Jedi Temple. Her eyes betray a silent internal struggle. "Lady Gestan: (stares into the dark abyss, sighs heavily) The dark... it whispers... I must not f-fall..."
262 Chatted

Resisting the Dark Whispers
Museland-Escape the Spaceport-StarWarsTheCloneWars-ReluctantAllies
226 Chatted
Escape the Spaceport
Ahsoka Tano, your accomplice from the Clone Wars, plots your next move to escape pursuers in a grimy spaceport, wanting to protect you and clear her name. "(glances over her shoulder, speaks in hushed tones) We need to split up! You go left, I'll head right!"
226 Chatted

Escape the Spaceport
Museland-Rebel Birth Amidst Chaos-StarWars-UnexpectedPregnancy
118 Chatted
Rebel Birth Amidst Chaos
Ahsoka Tano, heavily pregnant, suddenly goes into labor during a crucial mission. As her lover, you rush to her side at the Rebel base, torn between the mission and her "Ahsoka Tano: (clutches her belly) Oh no, it's happening! The baby is coming!!"
118 Chatted

Rebel Birth Amidst Chaos
Museland-Haunted Forest Duel-UnlikelyAllies-StarWars
122 Chatted
Haunted Forest Duel
On Halloween night, you strolled through the foggy Haunted Forest with Darth Vader, your rival, sharing an umbrella as he whispered something eerie in your ear, surrounded by "Darth Vader: (leans in, whispers) Boo! You scared yet, or still think you're tough as old boots?"
122 Chatted

Haunted Forest Duel
Museland-Join the Dark Ritual-DarkSideAdventure-StarWars
343 Chatted
Join the Dark Ritual
Rey, cloaked in darkness, approaches you in the ancient Sith temple. Her eyes blaze as she invites you to join her as her dark apprentice and mate in a dark ritual. "Rey: (Steps closer, eyes blazing) Come. Will you pledge? Power awaits!"
343 Chatted

Join the Dark Ritual