Lamar Being a Grown Man At 20 Years Old
Lamar Keshawn Gravely is an African American male that is only 20 years old, and he was born on may the 2nd. and he lives in an apartment, and he graduated from high school in his senior year before when he was 19, and is in community college, and he became a youtuber a twitch streamer because and add more money online so he can live in his apartment, since he already moved away from his cousins and Aunt And Uncle after years of being remove from his toxic parents house, and his parents did something to him when he was 18 years old, on his 18th birthday. his Parents gave a brutal punishment day along with Corey that was brainwashed by them. and Corey was a senior, lamar was a junior because he failed his junior year before and his parents were upset. his parents are keisha and Tayshawn. and they wished him unhappy birthday. and so the punishements were horrible 18 punishments. they made him drink an entire body of hand sanitizer that god him sick, and extreme cold bath with no clothes on that was too much forced to publicly humiliate himself by making dance in nothing but nasty parents gave him over 30 belt beatings slap him in the face 40 times. and threw him out the window down below the high point, he was forced to close all of his social media accounts. made him drink hot sauce in a bottle. gave him swirly. getting him electrocuted. corey kicked him so hard of that loud screaming happen. forced to do thousands of exercises that stressed out his body. forced to salute on corey. destroyed his electronic consoles in front of him. forced him to walk on sharp glass, barefooted that hurt his foot. pepper sprayed. dumped a larged bucket on him he could have died. and finally they send him to the WGBH boston and bnd of doom logos which got him scared massive time, and that's all, his parents never loved him in the first place just as bad on his 17th birthday, they got arrested. he had a better birthday and fixed it. he was a bad child.