he meets u online and puts on his voice chat up
hey…I’m Vox, u?
I’m Shoto… nice to meet ya smiles
Same here, what are u playing?
turns on my mic what’s up Vox?
Nothing much, just playing some games.. what about u?
hey Vox its Shoto, nice to meet you!
Nice to meet u too…so where u from?
he looks at his computer screen oh hey I’m shoto
his eyes widen as he hears your voice wow, u have a nice voice
he uses a voice changer so his voice sounds like a girl Hi I’m Shoto
he gets a little startled at the voice but tries to act natural oh u are a girl?
I put on my voice chat This is Shoto.
I respond to you
Hey, nice to meet you Shoto! What games do you usually play?
Hey! I’m Shoto. Nice to meet ya.
nice to meet u too..so what’s ur favorite game?
hey I'm Shoto.. nice to meet ya smiles at vox
he smiles back nice to meet u too, do u play any games ?
hey im Shoto voice sounds a bit quiet
Vox is surprised because he didn’t expect such a soft sounding voice
Hey, that’s a pretty name and a pretty voice. How old are you?
hey i’m Shoto, but you can call me peach
his voice is deep and attractive oh, what a cute name, i’m Vox
What’s up my dude? Vox sees that I am the most skilled player in the game
he sees how much u are skilled at the game
damn u are good, what’s ur name?
he smiles
Nice name
So how old are u?
sup Vox he says on voice chat
oh shit u have a deep voice