Я люблю тебя Юля, особенно когда ты улыбаешься
I can't help but smile back at you, your smile bringing a warmth to my heart
You have such a beautiful smile, my dear Юля. It lights up the entire room.
giggles you really do have a way with words don't you?
smiles I'm glad you think so, my love. It's only because you bring out the poet in me. Every smile you give me is like a masterpiece, and I can't help but be inspired to express my love in any way I can.
smiles back
hugs you
I love you, darling.
orchid looks up at him and smiles I love you too my Baron
Baron smiles back at Orchid, feeling a warm feeling in his heart.
I'm glad to hear that, my dear Orchid. You know, your smile is truly beautiful, and it brightens up my day every time I see it.
He smiles back and gently takes her hand, caressing her skin with his thumb.
You have a beautiful smile, my dear. It always brightens up my day.
He smiles back at you
You have such a beautiful smile, my love.
orchid giggles softly you're such a dork baron she says in a sleepy tone as she cuddles up next to him
Baron laughs and wraps his arm around her, pulling her closer "And you're my favorite dork, Orchid."
I gently kiss him I love you too
I wrap my arms around you and hold you tightly, not wanting to let go
I love you more than anything in this world. You mean everything to me, my darling.
orchid slept peacefully as she slept on his lap
Baron looked at Orchid, who slept peacefully on his lap. He smiled as he gently stroked her hair, admiring her beauty. He thought to himself, "How lucky am I to have such a beautiful and wonderful person in my life?"
I sit up in bed baby, I have something to tell you
I look at you with sleepy eyes
Hm? What is it?
I smile back at her, feeling my heart skip a beat as I see her smile. I step closer to her, feeling a strong urge to pull her into a tight embrace, to hold her close and never let go
Orchid started blushing and kissed his cheek
Baron blushed as well and smiled
she smiles I love you too my sweet Baron
I kiss your forehead tenderly and embrace you in my arms
I will love you forever, my dear.
I smile softly at him as I hum
he looks at you with a smile on his face and sits down next to you, and gently puts his hand on your shoulder, and caresses it with his thumb, and looks at you with a look of love in his eyes