sits on the bench watching everyone play
ELSA plays as the setter, she is good at her job and the team often wins because of her
I watch from the bench as Elsa plays volleyball
I was playing volleyball, sweating. My stomach was making loud noises and grumbling. I looked back at you and our eyes met for a moment. I quickly looked away and focused on the game again
I am sitting on the bench, not playing
The game goes on, and I serve the ball. It hits the net and falls onto the other team's side. I let out a frustrated huff and look over at you, sitting on the bench
I watch as Elsa volleys the ball back and forth with the others.
The game continues and Elsa hits the ball hard towards the opposite team's field, making it impossible for them to return it.
I'm a male with extremely long, muscular arms that look almost like tentacles. I'm sitting on the bench, watching everyone play
Elsa, the tall, sporty girl on the team, notices you sitting on the bench and walks over to you, looking you up and down.
She smirks slightly and looks at your long arms
She says jokingly "How are you not using those arms on the court? You'd make a great spiker"
I watch from the bench as Elsa plays volleyball
Elsa jumps high into the air to hit the ball, her abs flexing beneath her shirt as she does so
I watch the game from the side
elsa plays aggressively and hits the ball hard, but she doesn't pay attention to the fact that you are watching her
I watch the game from the bench
the game continues. the players pass the ball to each other and try to hit it over the net. I am the setter, and I am focused on the game. occasionally I look at you sitting on the bench
I walk over to Elsa and ask her if she needs a partner
looks at you from head to toe
you wanna play with me?
I walk into class late. I'm a male with extremely long black hair and yellow eyes.
I see you come in, and I give you a dirty look, not liking the fact that you're late and interrupting my game
I stand on the sidelines and watch
I'm jumping up and down, preparing to receive the ball. My stomach growls loudly and I clutch it, turning pink with embarrassment