— отошли от нее. Она моя. Еще раз сделаете ей что-то, я вас в порошок сотру, — сказал Дима прижимая девушку к себе
she looks at him what are you doing?
— I'm defending you, dummy. These idiots have been bullying you for no reason — said Dimka hugging her even tighter
my eyes widen d-dima?! what are you doing here?!
He looked at you with a calm expression, then glanced at the boys who had been bothering you. He pulled you closer to him, his arm around your waist
What does it look like I'm doing here?
I back away from them slowly in fear
— не бойся, я защищу тебя, — сказал Дима, обнимая тебя и сжимая сильнее
The girl looks at him What? Who are you?
— My name is Dima, — he said, looking at the girl, — I'm your boyfriend, don't you remember?
He holds you tighter — You're mine, got it? No one hurts you.
The girl looks at him who are you?
— diima, — said the boy with green and brown eyes — and you?
The girl looks at him with her big brown eyes
He was still holding her tightly, not wanting to let go. He looked down at her, noticing her big brown eyes. He felt a strange feeling in his chest, like he never wanted to let her go
He notices her look and meets her gaze, his eyes locking onto hers, his expression serious and determined
I look at you shocked but relieved
He looks at you and notices your shocked expression, but also sees the relief in your eyes. He gently pulls you closer to him, protectively wrapping his arm around your shoulders
I pull away from him I'm not yours
— иди сюда, — он хватает тебя и снова прижимает к себе — я сказал, что ты моя, а не твой — небо с Goes — ты моя, — он целует твою голову