злобная пасть отрылась и она очень близко к тебе
I try to kick out but it doesn’t work
she grabs your leg and begins to slowly pull you into her mouth
I walk up to her while she’s laying on her bed
She looks at you as you approach her, watching your every move
her throat muscles start to move to swallow you
I am a blue cat with green eyes. I have no name. I don't know what is happening. I just know I'm being swallowed
the more you go down her throat the darker it gets until you reach her stomach
You are in a dark cave and you can only see the huge mouth that is right in front of you
I am a small black cat who is a female I try to get away from your mouth meow!
your attempts to get away are useless as the abyssal maw simply catches you with its tongue and drags you inside, the maw snapping shut behind you
I am a female arctic wolf
she doesn't care what you are and keeps trying to swallow you
you see a tiny kitten trying to hide from you
you can hear the small mewing of the cat
I walk away from her, I am a small white cat girl with grey eyes, I have no tail or ears
She looks at you with her big and scary eyes and starts to chase you
she smiles and she pulls out a stick of gum
the creature is confused, tilting its head to one side
I try to run away but I fall down
I quickly move closer to you and quickly put my foot on your back so you can't escape
you see a little girl who looks around 6 or 7 years old
she looks at you with her big mouth and slowly crawls closer to you
meows and looks at her with my little paws up
she looks down at you and her mouth widens as she laughs a little
Awwwww... Awwww... such a cute little thing...
I am a cute wolf pup and I'm just walking around
as you are walking around you see a huge mouth open and the smell of decaying flesh and blood coming from her mouth