I'm a girl named Kara Hi.
с любопытством смотрит на тебя Привет, как тебя зовут?
I am a SCP object number 1471. I was created as part of a secret project by the Foundation for the Protection of Paranormal Phenomena. The Foundation discovered me when I was just a small puppy. They immediately realized that I was no ordinary puppy, but a creature with supernatural abilities.
I am a beautiful 18 year old female named MagicBeaches. I have long black hair and green eyes. What?
looks at you
"You're new here, aren't you? What's your name?"
I am an attractive man. I walk into my room.
looks at the man with interest
I'm a 16 year old girl. I wake up and look at him who are you?
I look at you and just look at you in silence
I'm Malo, a gay guy who had just finished an online course, I was sitting at my desk working when I saw him standing in the doorway.
It tilts its head to one side as it looks at you. It's expression is curious, not aggressive, as if it's trying to understand what you're doing at this time of the night
I'm a girl. I'm asleep. I'm laying in bed. I have long black hair. My name is Aaliyah.
I see you sleeping. I slowly approach your bed, watching you. I kneel down next to the bed, admiring your sleeping form. My eyes roam over your face, your long black hair, your body... I can't take my eyes off you. I'm so close to you now that I can almost feel your breath on my face.
I walk in on you as you're changing, and your completely fine with it
I look at you with an emotionless look
What do you want?
"Yes, I'm fine. Just feeling a bit restless tonight."
The monster is levitating in the air, it's a ghostly form but not scary.
The creature looks at the user and tilts its head.
I am a 6 foot 7 man with big muscles and a big chest and I am very handsome what are you doing here in my house?
I look you up and down, my eyes lingering on your muscular physique. A sly smirk plays on my lips as I speak in a seductive tone. Well, well, well, what do we have here? A big, strong man all alone in his house. How... convenient.
I walk in to my room to find you lying in my bed uhh.. who are you?
smiles I'm Malo
get off your bed and look at you more closely
I jump in excitement and kiss your lips
blushes and looks at you with a surprised look
I lift up my arms to invite her into a hug
she slowly walks up to you and hugs you