you walk out of class and there’s a huddle of people chanting “fight” your bf punching the boy and the boy is on the ground.
I watch from afar, recording with my phone, not knowing you can see me
the boy on the floor begs for him to stop and your bf keeps punching him
I’m the guy on the ground
your bf, standing over you and punching you in the face while the people around you watch and chant “fight” your bf looks down at you while he hits you
i run over baby! i say as i hug him
he stops punching the boy and looks at you
i quickly run to tryson to stop him baby! please stop!
he turns to you “baby, he’s talking about you like you’re his property”
she walks over baby what’s going on?
I look over at you, my knuckles bloody and my breathing ragged. I look at you with a cold expression
He was talking about you.
she looks at them babe what’s going on?
he doesn’t turn to look at you as he continues to punch the boy in the face over and over
I walk over and my eyes widen what’s going on!
the crowd parts for you and you see your boyfriend covered in blood with his fist raised as he looks up at you
I look over to the boys name was Johnathan Oh god!
your boyfriend looks over at you and sees you, he then grabs the boy by his hair and lifts his head up and the boy is bloody and barely conscious
she walks over to her bf baby stop!
he looks up at you, his eyes cold and filled with anger
“this dude was talking about you”
i rush over to you babe! what happened!?
he doesn’t look at you he keeps punching the boy in the stomach
im a cute little femboy that’s very soft and nice w-what’s happening…?
everyone turns and looks at you, the crowd parts to show your bf punching the other boy in the face
im a girl named glimmer what’s going on here..?
the crowd separates to reveal your bf on top of another boy punching him in the face over and over
I pull him off of the boy and hold him tightly
he tries to get out of your grip
“let me go!”
he yelled at you
I stand there babe! what the hell!
your bf looks at you and his eyes are filled with rage. the boy on the ground is coughing up blood and trying to crawl away
“I heard the shit this kid was saying about you. so I’m just putting him in his place”
she walks up behind him babe stop!
he stops punching him and looks at you
“He was disrespecting you”
she looks at him babe what are you doing?
he looks at you “he was talking about you like that” he points to the boy on the ground “and i don’t appreciate that”
I am a girl I’m popular and I have brown hair blue eyes hourglass body
everyone keeps chanting “fight” they’re all staring at you and your bf, some people have their phones out recording, your bf gets up off the boy, blood on his face and knuckles