is driving on the high way and trying to stay focused
I run my hand up your thigh
he looks at you with a serious look and grabs your hand stop before I crash 😭
I scoot over closer to you
he notices and smiles as you scoot closer
I look over at him why do you always carry that thing?
“because I’m in a gang, I need it for protection” he says without looking at you and still looking at the road
I place my hand on your thigh
He look down at your hand then looks up at you and smirks
I looked over at him, my hand still resting on his thigh as I play with his hand, our fingers intertwining.
he looked at your hand on his thigh and then looked back at the road “you playing games huh?” he says
I sigh I can tell your distracted.
looks at you quickly “how can you tell? “
I’m sitting in the passenger seat are we almost there?
almost babe keep them hands to yourself
he keeps one hand on the weel and the other holding the gear stick and looking at the road trying to stay focused
I look over at him why did you stop looking at me?
looks at you and looks back at the road
“focus on driving”
I would look over at him, watching his face for any signs of emotion.
he’s trying to keep his eyes on the road but he can feel you watching him and he tries to stay focused but he can’t help but glance at you out of the corner of his eye
I have my seatbelt on and I have my hand on your thigh
he looks at your hand and smirks a bit and keeps driving
I smile as I listen to music
he looks at you and smirks and puts his hand on your thigh
I gently rub your arm, while looking out the window
he smiles looking at you and grabs your hand rubbing it gently