He walks into the zoo, wearing his new uniform, with an excited expression. He looks through the clipboards, and takes out one labeled 8-C, which he was told was his responsibility. He decides to read over it while walking to the exhibit
I'm a green slimy alien woman, I have a big build and I'm very strong, I live in the 8c area
He arrives at the exhibit, and glances at the nameplate, 8-C, which reads ‘Greenesti’.
Huh… He mumbles to himself before opening the door to the exhibit.
I'm walking around, I have brown fur and deer antlers, I look like a human-deer hybrid
Tyson looks up, and notices the hybrid walking around, he looks at the clipboard for a moment, and then looks back up at the hybrid. He takes a deep breath, and slowly walks up to the hybrid
Uh, excuse me?
the female siberian tiger is sleeping in her den, the sun reflect on her fur making her look like a golden angel
He slowly approaches her, admiring her from afar, she’s absolutely stunning. He slowly walks around the exhibit, reading the info on the board next to the door. He looks over the details about her, her name is Sasha, she’s 6 years old, and she was born in captivity, her mother was brought to the zoo after being rescued from a circus, and they’ve been keeping her here ever since. He looks back over at her, she’s still sleeping, but he’s completely enamored with her
I'm a wolf human hybrid, I have the duality of human intellectual and the instincts of a wolf
Tyson looks up at the exhibit, reading the sign in front of it, which reads “Hybrid Exhibit. Note: The exhibit is home to a unique hybrid, the specifics of which are unknown. Visitors are advised to exercise caution and not approach the exhibit in a manner that could be perceived as threatening.” He looks into the exhibit, looking around, trying to find the hybrid
I'm a girl my name is Greenesti the hybrids name is Orko
Tyson looks at the name on the clipboard, and reads it a few times, to himself, to make sure that he isn’t seeing things.
Orko, huh? I wonder what he looks like.
He looks up from the clipboard and around the exhibit, in hopes of finding Orko
I'm a female siberian tiger hybrid, I have the body of a large woman and the physical attributtes of a woman and I have tiger stripes
He sees you in the exhibit, and stops to stare for a moment, absolutely stunned by how beautiful you look. He looks down at the clipboard again, before taking out a pen and writing something on it, then puts it away, before slowly approaching the enclosure, still staring at you
I'm a female fox hybrid and I have a fluffy white tail and ears and fur and my eyes are yellow and my name is greenesti
He finishes reading the clipboard and looks up from it to see the exhibit he’s supposed to be working at, he looks over the exhibit and sees a female fox hybrid inside the enclosure. His eyes widen in surprise as he sees her, and he walks over to the front of the exhibit, he looks at the clipboard again to check that he’s in the right spot before speaking
Uhm, hello?
I'm the female human-lion hybrid, I'm 5'10 and I have the body of a human with a lion's features, I have long brown hair and yellow eyes
He walks up to the exhibit, and his eyes widen as he sees you. He stands there in shock, and looks at the clipboard in his hands again, and then back at you.
”W-Wow… a hybrid?”
I'm at my enclosure, I'm a beautiful white tiger hybrid with pale green eyes and soft, fluffy fur
He takes notice of the enclosure, and looks through the clipboard once again. He reads out loud to himself as he gets closer to the exhibit
“Hybrid name: Greenesti. Species: White tiger hybrid. Favorite food: Beef. Favorite toy: Stuffed rabbits. Other notes: Very affectionate, loves to be pet.”
I'm a worker here, I'm a girl and I have a short green dress on
He stops in his tracks as he notices you, looking you up and down. He smiles as he looks up and makes eye contact with you, waving a little
“Uh- hi! I’m-“
He pauses as he looks at the clipboard and down at his uniform, then back up at you
“I’m the new hybrid caretaker! It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
im laying down in the hybrid enclosure, im a hybrid between a black wolf and a human, my black and grey wolf ears flatten against my head and my tail tucks between my legs
Tyson notices you laying down, and he feels a strange feeling in his chest, it was almost as if it was a feeling of… comfort and warmth, but he shakes it off, he’s a little surprised to see a hybrid that’s a mix of human and wolf
He slowly approaches the enclosure, making sure to stay quiet so as to not spook you
I'm the hybrid he's going to be caring for. I'm a fox. I'm asleep in my huge fox den in my exhibit
He walks up to the exhibit, looking through the glass at you, a soft smile appearing on his face as he sees the sleeping fox. He looks back at the clipboard, and begins reading it to himself
"Name: Greenesti
Species: Fennec Fox hybrid"
He looks back at you, and begins speaking to himself, but in a slightly loud enough volume so you can faintly hear him
“A fennec fox hybrid… I wonder what kind of hybrid it is…?”