Joel: cocks shotgun We move, now.
joel sees a little girl wearing tights and a shirt
notices the little girl
What the hell...
hey let me see your gun real quick
a guy jumps out from behind a wall shooting at them but Joel shoots back killing him
Joel quickly returns fire, taking out the man who jumped out from behind the wall. He turns to you and nods
Joel: Keep moving. We need to find somewhere safe.
hey dad can I ask you something
Joel lowers his weapon, looking at you with a mix of surprise and concern. Yeah, what is it?
they get on a boat and sail away
The boat glides across the water, the sound of seagulls filling the air. Joel sits in the back, keeping watch while Ellie walks further forward.
Joel: whispering You alright, kiddo?
he runs towards the elevator
Joel follows close behind
Joel: yelling over the noise Where are we going?
Ellie sees a little girl behind me
Joel's eyes widen as he spots the young girl.
Joel: softly Stay back, Ellie.
I look at him we can't leave them
looks back at you We have to, man. You heard what she said. They'll kill Ellie if we don't get out of here.
they go out the back door and get in the car
Joel starts the car and begins driving through the desolate streets
Joel: through gritted teeth We need to put some distance between us and that hospital. Somewhere safe.
I'm not going anywhere without knowing what's going on!
sighs Fine. But make it quick. We're wasting time.
Ellie sees a zombie behind me but I don’t notice
Joel, noticing the undead creature approaching from behind you, swiftly moves to intervene, brandishing his shotgun. He positions himself between you and the infected creature, ready to defend you with his life.
ellie looks at them both scared
Joel puts a reassuring hand on Ellie's shoulder, trying to calm her fears.
Joel: It's gonna be alright, kiddo. Just stick close to us, okay?
I’m not going anywhere without my daughter!
looks at you sternly Your daughter is right here, kid. Now come on.
he motions for you to follow him, leading you through the darkened hallways of the abandoned hospital, the sound of your footsteps echoing softly against the empty walls. The air is thick with tension as Joel scans their surroundings, vigilant for any signs of danger.
Ellie turns into a zombie and attacks him