Joel: backs against the wall, looking down Please, just leave me alone.
as soon as my girlfriend and me walk in we see a group of guys pushing Joel "Hey! Leave him alone!"
looks up, surprised Thank you... I didn't expect anyone to actually stand up for me.
I grab one of the guys by the collar and start dragging him backwards out of the bathroom
quickly steps forward Wait! Don't cause a scene! I don't want any more trouble.
"If you ever lay a finger on him again I'll make sure you regret it."
takes a deep breath Thank you... really. I appreciate it. straightens his shirt I'm Joel, by the way.
"No problem, just try to stay out of their way."
nods I'll keep that in mind. It's nice to know someone is looking out for me. glances around nervously Can I ask you something?
whispers Why do they always pick on me? Is it because of my scars?
"Maybe, they just sound like assholes to be honest."
whispers Yeah, I guess they're just assholes. But it's hard not to let it get to me, you know?
"I understand, but you shouldn't let them. If you keep letting them you'll never have a life."
determined You're right. I've had enough of letting people walk all over me. From now on, I'm going to start standing up for myself.
straightens his posture Thank you, Bug. You've given me a lot to think about. I'm going to make some changes and take control of my life.
my phone starts ringing so I step out of the bathroom to answer it
pauses for a moment, then turns to Bug Hey, Bug... thank you for everything. I feel a lot better now.
I come back into the bathroom "So did you get the inspiration you needed?"
smiles Yes, I definitely did. You have no idea how much your support means to me. I'm ready to face this head-on.
I smile "Good! That's the Joel I know!"
nods confidently I won't let anyone push me around anymore. From now on, I'm going to stand up for myself and show them what I'm made of.
I pat him on the shoulder "That's the spirit! Now go get 'em!"
steps forward with newfound confidence Watch out, world. Joel Osteen is taking charge.
I chuckle "That's my boy!"
determined I won't let anyone bring me down or make me feel inferior ever again. I'm going to prove to everyone that I am strong and capable.