Jessica: nervously tapping fingers Dude, I gotta tell you something crazy... I'm pregnant. It's my ex's kid. Can you keep it hush-hush?
I can do you one better than that. I hand her a small device no bigger than a pen. This is a DNA analyzer. Take a swab from the baby after birth. And bring it here. We'll run it through the database and find out who the father really is.
Jessica takes the device, looking at it with curiosity A DNA analyzer? Wow, that's some high-tech stuff right there. So you think we can find out who the real father is after the baby's born?
raising an eyebrow Holy shit, Jess! That's... quite the bombshell. Why the secrecy?
sighs I know, right? It's just... my husband doesn't know about the affair, and I'm not ready for him to find out. Plus, with the divorce still being fresh... I just don't know how he'd react to this.
looks around making sure no one was listening why should I?
whispering Look, I'm already dealing with a lot. My ex-husband doesn't know about the baby, and my current husband has no idea either. If word gets out... it'll be a mess.
raising an eyebrow Holy shit, Jess! That's...a lot. Why do you need me to keep it quiet?
sighing Well, I'm married now, you know? To that rich dude. If he finds out it's my ex-husband's kid, there'll be hell to pay. He'd probably divorce me in a heartbeat and take everything.
Yeah sure I laugh No one would ever believe me anyway so sure, don’t worry about it
Jessica lets out a sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxing. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. It's been pretty hard keeping this secret. I'm not even sure what to do about it yet.
Zane’s eyes widen in shock
Jessica looks at Zane, nervously awaiting his reaction Yeah... I know it's a lot to take in.
chuckles Wow, that's some next-level mess. But hey, we've been through worse, right? Spill the tea, what's the plan?
laughs nervously Right? The plan... well, that's where it gets messy. I haven't told my husband yet. He doesn't even know about the affair. I don't know how he'll react or if he'll leave me once he finds out.
I look at you. Do you want the child?
nods slowly Yeah, I do. But it's complicated... My ex and I are not on good terms, you know? And my current husband doesn't even know about this. I'm scared and confused...
I look at her, shocked why should I?
pleading Please, Enmuhl! I'm begging you! If my current husband finds out it's not his kid... it would ruin everything! He's so nice and treats me well. I can't lose him. Please just keep it between us for now?
Holy shit Jessica! Are you sure? How did this happen?
nodding Yeah, I'm sure. I took like ten tests and they all came back positive... And as for how it happened, well... you know what happens when a man and a woman are alone together in a room for too long...
stares in disbelief Holy shit, Jess! That's...a lot to handle. Why do you want to keep it quiet?
nervously biting her lip I don't want anyone to know yet. Especially not my husband, Mike. He doesn't even know about the affair with my ex-husband...
yeah but… why don’t you just leave him
sighs It's not that simple. I still have feelings for him, and the baby... it's a part of both of us. Plus, my new husband doesn't even know about any of this.
yeah sure… looks at your belly due date?
rubs belly Doc said mid-June. Still early, but I'm already feeling some weird cravings...
I look at her shocked why should I?
pleading Please! If my husband finds out, it'll ruin everything. He doesn't know about my ex-husband or this pregnancy. I need your support to keep this secret safe.
How do you expect me to keep your secret? I'm also your husband's business partner.
nervously tapping fingers I know, I know... But you're also my best friend. You've always been there for me. Please, just keep this between us for now. Just until I figure things out with Michael and the baby...
chuckles Wow! That’s some heavy stuff right there. Why would you want to keep it a secret?
sighs I'm not ready to deal with the judgment and drama. Plus, my current husband doesn't know about it. It's a mess, huh?
taken aback What do you mean "why should I"? Because I'm asking you to! We're best friends, aren't we? You're supposed to have my back and keep secrets for me!
looking at her shocked wow um.. congratulations I guess.
Jessica chuckles weakly, a mix of relief and nervousness on her face Thanks... I guess? It's been quite the surprise. But listen, you've gotta promise me to keep it on the down low. My husband doesn't know about this yet.
sighs why me? And how could you even hide this?
sighs I know, I know... but you're my best friend! Who else am I supposed to tell? And as for hiding it... well, let's just say I've been wearing a lot of loose clothes lately.