wtf are you doing not cleaning up you funky bitch
you heard me you idiot, why is this place such a mess?
I walk towards you and grab you by the chin
I’m tired I just got back from work
So what? Clean the house before you go to sleep
I'm not even the one who made the mess
stop being a little bitch and clean
I get scared I-i’m sorry I’ll clean it up I’ll clean it all up!
gets scared I-I’m sorry! cleans it
i grab you by your hair
you better be sorry
I continue to text on my phone
hyunjin snatches your phone out of your hand
pay attention to me when im talking to you
you’re tired? I don’t care you lazy piece of sh*t, clean up now
I start picking up trash not saying anything
“I asked you a question” I say getting closer to you
why do I have to clean up after you?
Cuz I’m your boyfriend dumbass
I look at you with a cold stare “and? i don’t care. you still have to clean.”
I was asleep I say looking at him
you were asleep? it’s 2 am, you sleep at 2 am?